Chapter 32

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When Jin Hyung left us, I was shocked, too shocked.

And I saw Y/N sat down on the floor and broke down in tears.

" I should have thought about the consequences. I messed it up badly" She said. I am feeling bad for her.

She made mine and Joon hearts join but broke her heart in the process.

I know Jin Hyung's words have hurt her more than it did to both of us. She loves everyone and the last thing she wants was to push our friendship to boundaries.

I sat down next to her and said "Y/N please stop crying. Its not your fault. Please seeing you cry breaks my heart. Please stop crying".

"I messed up bad. He is disappointed in me now" She said while crying.

"He is not disappointed in you. He is disappointed in me. He just took out his frustration in you. That's all. I know Jin Hyung from longest time. I know he is just suffering from the same pain we were suffering from. After all he also got his heart broken. He still didn't recovered from it. I know I shouldn't say this to you now, but Jin Hyung loves someone else, are you aware?" Namjoon said.

He is correct. Jin Hyung is still suffering. We know it well, even if he tries to hide it.

" I am aware Joonie. I know he still loves Tae. I know it all from the start." She said.

"Jin Hyung used to love Tae a lot, and he still does. He is afraid to hear his heart, just like I was. He is afraid that his heart will be broken again. The only reason he is dating you is because he wants to move on. But I know that he can't move on. His heart still beats for the same person and the end of the day he still loves the same person." Namjoon said.

" I know that he is trying to move on with my help, but honestly and truthfully the reason I am dating him is just because to make him realise that he belongs with Tae and not with me. It is my intention from the very beginning. I just want him to return to Tae with a happy heart not with a broken heart" She said.

Y/N is really very thoughtful. She thinks about everyone and wants the best for them. This time I want to help her. I don't want her to have a heart break

" Y/nie, have you ever thought, what will happen if you fall for Jin Hyung in the mean time. Please y/n I know what are you up to but I don't want you to have a heart break and suffer from the same things we suffered from." I said.

" I know Seokie. I know my limits. I just want to help him but he is not ready to tell me his problem , If he doesn't then, how can I be able to make it right?" She said.

" Look y/n. The incident which happened in past have two sides of the same story. One side is Jin's prospective and other one is Tae's. Knowing Jin hyung , he will tell you his side when he feels comfortable and for Tae, if you ask him he will tell you because I know Tae trust you very much. Like I said, the two different prospective were never been clear to each other. They both live in misunderstandings till today. They never tried to open up with each other after that incident. It is the start of the mess. The first thing you have to do is listen to both sides, then think of a solution." Namjoon said.

He is right. Both of them never came clear to each other. They still live in the dark and the false story they both made themselves which is far from the truth. 

As much as I wanted to tell Y/n about the incident myself, I can't. I want her to listen to them first, then she will be able to understand the problem and if she needs our help in it, we will help her.

" He is right y/n. The first thing you need to do is hear both of them. Hearing from their own mouth will help you to understand there feeling. It will help you to judge the things. You have earned so much of all of our trust, that I know, they will open up to you. Believe me." I said as I hugged her.

" Ok. I will but for now , can you take me to Jinnie's apartment. I need to apologize to him for hidding the truth" She said.

" Ok lets go." I said. After everything she is still our Y/N who never hesitate to apologise for thing which is not even her faults.

After she made the ice ring clean again by help of Mike and other staff, we drove her to his apartment.


I can't believe what just happened. I thought that he changed.

Ones will think that I am angry because he followed his heart to give Hoseok a chance. But honestly I am happy for both of them.

I am happy that they were able to find their love. I am happy but it came out wrong.

I am disappointed in myself. I am disappointed that I can't follow my heart like they did. I can't love again. I am afraid to get broken. 

My insecurities made me frustrated and I ended up taking it out on Y/n.

She is so sweet. She is making everyone happy and I am here making her sad.

I entered my apartment. I live alone. 


I shouted . I lost control. I start throwing everything that was in the living room. Things were all scatted everywhere. 

I took out strong drink bottle from the cupboard and drake it from the bottle. I don't know how much I drank but I did lost my senses.

My doorbell rang. I opened it and found out Y/n standing. She was too shocked to see me like this.

And before I know it, I collapsed in her hands.

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