Chapter 49

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Its been two months since we went Spain. The meeting went well so is the production. We launched the product and it became successful. All went well. 

And now after so many days we finally got some free time. Today is 31st August. And currently all heads excluding Mr. Jeon is in the office to prepare for a mini surprise for him. We will have a party later tomorrow in evening.

But for now, we will make him cut his birthday cake at midnight.

"hey y/n, did you choose the cake?" Mr. Min asked me. "Yeah I did. They will deliver it any minutes now". Mr. Min hummed away.

"hey don't you think he will find it weird that we are making him work very late at night, knowing that it's his birthday?" Mr. Kim aka V asked. " Na he won't. Besides it Y/N who is making him work so I don't think he will doubt something." Mr. Park answered.

Mr. Kim was making ' I don't get it' face, so I clarified him " See, I am making him work overnight. I don't think he will doubt because he thinks I don't know his birthday, so he is working back for me genuinely. So he don't have any idea that we are preparing something for him." 

I hope he gets what I mean. Mr. Kim nodded in understanding and went to continue his work. I and Jungkook started getting more closer from the trip. He warmed up to me. I like his company.

Soon we finished the decoration. The cake has arrived too. Its 11:55. " I think we should call him now" All agreed so Mr. Park went to call him from his office room.

We switched off the lights. After few minutes and he came and opened the room door. "What why?" he mumbled.

It was dark , although I can't see anything clear but I heard him stumble over the table. It made me laugh, as a result a giggle left my mouth.

"who is ther-" before he can finish it, all started to sing him birthday song. As I went towards him with his lit cake in my hand, I can finally see his face. He was not only surprised but also very happy.

I can clearly see his smile in the candle light. It is so beautiful.


I was not expecting it. I thought that she made me work overtime because of the pending works. I am so happy that I got some great friends in my life who knows me, value me.

Her face lit up from the candle light from the cake. She looks so happy. My smile automatically grew bigger watching her.

They all sang me birthday song as I blew off the candle. She sets the cake down in the table and Jin hyung handed me a knife to cut the cake.

I cut the cake and gave the first bite to her. She ate it and took some cake out of my hand and then she feed me and said " Happy birthday, Jungkook". Hearing my name from her mouth after a long time made me smile more.

I was so lost in her eyes that I froze there. "Uhmmm" Chim coughed making me come back to the reality. "we are also waiting for the cake, Jungkook" He said smirking at me. I just smiled.

We all talked and ate cake. We were chatting and having fun. But whenever my eyes meets with Y/N's it seems like the time stops. The smile she was giving me, feels like a warm bright day. This made me glance at her few more times.

After having good time we all started to leave. It was 3 in the morning, Y/N was already yawning. She is so cute. Soon she also left, leaving me, Chim and V hyung in our car to drive back.

"I saw how to look at her, You love her don't you?" Chim asked me out of nowhere. I started to tell but he interrupted me " Don't even think of denying Kookie, we all saw it. You love her" V Hyung said.

"I umm..." I was clearly at loss of words. They know me well. And its true. " I do " I mumbled but both of them got it.

"Told you. Our kookie is in love~" V hyung started smirking at me. " Yeah look, how he is blushing" Chim too. They started teasing me and making faces.

 I gave up on this point, because I like it. I like it when they tease me for my love. I like the feeling of being in love, I like it very much. I was just smiling.


I sat down on my bed as I came back from the office. I laid back in my bed, as I got lost in my thoughts. I don't know, but I think I like Jungkook more than a friend. My mind keeps give my flash backs of the time we spent together.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realised my phone was making sound. On the last notification sound I came back to reality.

I opened my message box, there was one message from my sister.


Hey Sweetpea, I wanted to call you but I guess that you are sleeping. I am coming tomorrow. Make sure to pick me up. And I also have a amazing news for you. You remember the college you always used to talk about. I got you enrolled in it. You can start within 2 weeks. I am so happy for you. You will be finally free from the office duty and you can completely focus on your studies. Don't worry, I will take care of the company in your absence. You can take it over again when you will return from your studies.

I saw the message and placed my phone aside.

Its true I need to go back but still I want to give it a thought....

With that thought I felt asleep

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