Chapter 5: Berserk awakening & Plaza bombing counter

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"It's not suppose to make the chair disappear." as Cage and Taylor shivered at the sensation the latter is giving off, as the pendent was handed back. As Cale looked at the object before crushing it in his hands, engulfing it in ice and it crumbled into dust, "Give me a moment, I will make it work. And you guys are going to be my test subjects." he gave them a smirk which sent a shiver down their spine, as Cale went to grab some things for his work. Plus, he told the children to sleep. It took a little while before Cale found the right rune, to turn someone invisible and the adults then started drinking, while Cale explaining the remaining part of the plan.


It was for them to fake staying one more day in the inn, while they come along with them into the capital. Cale already had Hans set up a lounging for the Taylor, the priest and their knight. Away from him, as he rest in the family manor. Ignoring the servants of the house, at their distaste of the latter coming instead of Basen. 'well, if Basen came, the bomb would have killed him. If someone had to die, it's better if it's me.'

'I SEE! THIS IS WHAT ASTER MEANT OF YOUR SELF HATE! CALE!' Abyss screams in Cale's head as the other 2 stupid power just encouraged her about the latter's thoughts. But the spirits and children were working with Cale to set his plans to protect the people from the Plaza Bombing and locating the bombs.

He even set an intruder alarm to wake him up, when someone enters the manor during the night, with the back or the front entrance. It was during the 2nd night of the them arriving at the capital, after the whole 2 days worth of preparing with spirits and buying souvenirs for his siblings and to buy whatever the children want, all while watching out for the bombs. Along with the meet up with the other Northeast Nobles, who are his childhood friends. But his peaceful night was interrupted when there was a hard knock on the front door.

"Who is it?" he asked out and grabbed his cloak, while he left the kids to sleep and walked out of his room to the front entrance, where the punk was there, with the mage princess, the father and son assassin, with a grey haired brat and with a trail of little children behind them. Hans was trying to calm the punk from demanding things, but the latter was just growling. From mere observation, it looked like the kid on the punks back was about to go berserk. 'How annoying.'

'Yet, you are going to help them, right?' Glutton asked him, but got no answer from the red head.

"Hans, let them use the underground training field. And get ready a couple of guest rooms." Cale instructed, from the top of the stairs. As the punk glared at him, like how he did the last few times. "What? You got something to say punk?"

"But young master - "

"Are my instructs that unclear? Go prepare the rooms, I will lead them to the underground training room. Go." he demanded as the servant squeaked and ran off. Cale then reached the 1st floor and started walking into the direction of the underground training hall. Not caring if they follow him or not, when they reached Ron told the punk to lay the other in the middle of the field. As the others also went to check on him, leaving on the mage princess behind.

"What is going on?" she mumbled.

"He is about to go berserk." Cale answered her, "Since you are a mage, I assume you heard of the berserk mode of beast tribes. They are able to use their berserk modes as a secret weapon in fights."

"then why is he in pain, if it's suppose to help him?" she asked, as she stood in front of the children who came with them down.

"Because this is his first time. Beast people lose their sanity during their first time entering berserk mode, because of their physical pain from their bodily transformation. If they can persevere past this first painful transformation. It can be used as a weapon in future fights." he explained. "Now, unless you want to be beaten up with the men's, take the children up and don't come down until they are done."

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