Chapter 100: An upset Toonka, that's new

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Tasha and Mary arrived at Harris village after Cale had left the capital and returned to his base. His father and brother had left earlier, after receiving a proposal for the Henituse to invest with Baron Lum's business. Which they turned down.

'All we need to do is wait for results...'

Cale thought to himself, as he busied his hands with another project. Something to suppress a gods blessing.

"Smart Mary."

Raon flew over and started flying around her head.

"Welcome back. You know you know."

Raon started to tell her about what they did while she went back to the City of Life, as Tasha walked directly to Cale.

"I heard you called for me."

"Yes. You can manipulate Dead mana right?"

"To an extent. Why?"

"Would you be able to remove dead mana from a person? Or assist them to assimilate like Mary?"

Cale asked her, not taking his eyes off his project.

"We can... What about it?"

"Can it fuse with aura?"

"It's doable, but very painful."

"Then there is someone in need of your skills."

"I will do my best to assist you, Young master. In exchange, my nephew has a request."

Cale sighed as he had a feeling something like this would be brought up. A favour for a favour. And he can't charge him.

"Sure. What is it?"

"The figures of power want to meet up."

Cale then remembered what Queen Litana said when she handed that land to him.

'So, that is what she meant. I'm disrespectful, but you could at least tell me bluntly.'

"The Breck kingdom, Roan Kingdom, Whipper Kingdom and Jungle all agreed to meet up. Could you help prepare a place for everyone to meet. Like that little shoreline by the Jungle."

Tasha asked with a smile, but Cale could tell that these people had planned it. That was why Queen Litana gave Cale ownership to that place.

"That will cost you something. I thought it would be small... But who am I kidding, that Crown Prince never ask for something small."

Cale scoffed, but agreed to this arrangement. But before they could leave to their first case, the messager tab started blinking and Cale waved Tasha off, before answering it.


Cale could clearly see Toonka's face through the device. And started to frown.

"You don't look so good."

The rare sight, as such a confident and blunt man, was upset about something, made the latter flinch at Cale's observation.

He did not look very good at all.

Cale knows that the Empire and the Whipper Kingdom were only having small scale battles. The Whipper Kingdom was only aiming for a few palaces by the border rather than charging toward the Empire's capital, but even that was not going as they had planned.

Cale, who didn't think Toonka would be the type to worry about that, quickly figured out what was going on.

'It seems that he found the spy.'

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