Chapter 33: Heading to the Queen

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When Cale was ready, Hong bid his noona and dongsaeng goodbye for the day, as they left for the forest. But just as he was about to go in, with On in his arms, there was a tug on his cloak, causing him to pause and looked down to see one of the children who got lost in the forest yesterday.

"Where is big brother going? Are you going to save more people?" the child asked.

As a woman and old man started running forward to grab the child, as the old man bowed and also grabbed his cloak.

'Noooo. He is interfering with my plans.'

Cale mentally screamed.

"Young sir. You will die if you go in... you cannot come back." the old man from the crowd weakly warned the disguised noble, from entering the forest. "It was a miracle of the dragons that the children and the belongings of our loved ones to return. But we cannot take our chances --"

"But ahjushi was the one who brought us back. He killed the bear who was chasing us. Then he carried me and held hyung's hand and took us back." the little child revealed. Right, the adults didn't notice a single thing, because it was dark and the children bolted to their parents the moment they saw the light. Allowing Cale to slip pass them. "Ahjushi, did you change your hair color? Red suits you better."

-Indeed. Our human's red hair look best on him. But black isn't that bad either.- Raon agreed with the child.

"Old man, I will break the legend and come back, so you can wait for me if you want." Cale arrogantly said to the adults. "There are still people inside, who are in need of assistance." he finished, before he bolted off before the damn people hinder his speed more.

When he entered the place, there was fog surrounding him.

"Mn, it does look like I need to use about my front paw's worth of strength in order to use magic. Human, you need to be at least at my level to use magic in this fog." Raon boosted from under Cale's cloak, as there was a rain shield over his head. He didn't put his hood on, and was calmly walking through the forest.

"Raon, you really are amazing."

"Yes, I am great and mighty. But what is the Queen's wish?"

The children were all informed that they were going to save the queen of the jungle. And the story behind the place, but they were still curious what the queen of the jungle was doing in the forest.

"Putting out the fire of the jungle."


The Queen of the Jungle, she was the ruler of this wide southern territory that was larger than even the empire.

'She's someone who is pretty similar to Toonka.'

She will never show any weakness to the strong, while she was very weak to the weak.

The reason such a person was secretly in this forest was because she was desperate to find a solution. But in the end she will run out of food and destroy the place with the small fire she brought. That fire will also destroy the Hoik Village.

["If I had met you earlier, I won't have burnt that poor village down. It was an accident."

"Then I promise, in our next life, I will certainly help you over come your grief. Your highness."]

Ah, he remember those drunkard words, in the past. When Aster befriended her during the war and they were having dinner together. When he revealed to her that he can't get lost even if he tried, she bit her tongue and cried. Because if he had met her earlier, he could have saved those people.

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