Chapter 61:Crown Prince Alberu's Request for Help

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A.N. Sorry, my dear readers. 

I can't post double chapters anymore. Because I do not have enough written. But i will still try to do a daily posting. 

Enjoy this chapter.:D



For the next few days, Cale had been working around the clock, to prepare for the next mission, as they got a reply from someone who is in a very dangerous position. But it was just days of training and slowly moving away from Harris Village.

Until, Miss Rosalyn presented Cale with the communicator with the Crown Prince on the line.

[Mind doing me a favour, Young Master Cale?]


Cale right eye twitched at the sight of this person asking him for help. As currently, Choi Han, Lock and Rosalyn went to the capital at the request of the crown prince. With Rosalyn arriving back at Harris Village, as Beacrox was serving lunch. Just to catch him, as he has been trying his best to disappear from this village.

The latter then mouthed Dark Elf, before everything made sense to him and he groaned in annoyance.

"Don't you have Choi Han?"

[He is busy with me. Since, my father have decided to pass the throne to me, I have to be able to manage all the workings of the king. Therefore, he had sent Earl Windchester to aid me.]

He explained in a roundabout way.

[Normally I would retrieve it myself, but with all the work and everyone's eyes on me. I am unable to move.]

This made Cale even more annoyed by the whole bullshit he has to deal with this prince. He already given him the golden path he wanted, and now he want to make him do more work. This overworked person who wants to rid of the menace that would plague their time early, with a very bad sleeping pattern. Now has to drag his ass to run the prince's errands.

[You will be rewarded greatly.]

"Do I need to send you the bills of false promises?"

Cale sternly asked with an annoyed expression. Before he listed them down. One was after the plaza terror attack, the other was securing his position to the throne and now providing aid to his power. Dealing with his 2nd brother and now this.

[How should I reward you? Title, money, fame?]

"Money. Your father seem to understand very well."

At the back, Archduke snort to himself, as when his hyung (Zed Crossman) asked the same question, he said the exact same thing.

"My service don't come cheap, Our Kingdom's Golden Star."

[You already have the golden plaques of my father and little brother. Are you expecting for mine too?]

"Unless you have something of an equal value to what you are going to do. Because something will certainly happen. So, how much do you value your life?"

Cale bluntly asked, as he briefly remembers about the bombing in Mogoru Empire, that will kill off the pope and make the Saint and Holy Maiden run for their lives. He really hoped Saint Jack take up his offer before this happens. But he hasn't heard any reply from Freesia about this.

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