Happy Birthday 8/11

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Happy Birthday 8 November

We need to celebrate everyone's birthday. Why not just put them in a room together and hope they don't die.


KRS!Cale:*oouf* what the fuck?!

Choi Han: Cale-nim! Are you alright?

KRS!Cale: where are we?

KRS!Cale and Choi Han looks around to see a dark room. Before they were suddenly blinded when the lights turn on. In the middle of the room, there is a long table full of food with a very kid like banner saying happy birthday Choi Han and Cale Henituse. By one of the walls, there was a door with the label kitchen.

KRS!Cale: did the kids put you up to this?

Choi Han: Not that I know of.

Both approached the kitchen door, when they hear sounds coming from it. It sounds like someone was arguing with another person.


Unknown 2: yet you still do it for them. You poor overwork kid.

Unknown 1: you are a disaster in the kitchen. In fact, what are you still doing here? GET OUT! *Sound of items being thrown*

Unknown 2: Hey kid! Don't throw the knifes!

Unknown 1: do you rather I throw your blob of failure in your face, Mr Hyung? Because I will gladly do so.


The sound of something hitting the door was echoed and both Choi Han and KRS!Cale took a step back. As a hole was melted into the door.

Unknown 1: what the fuck did you use?

Unknown 2: I was suck here for days. I was hungry.

As the arguing seem to become clearer with the rooms connecting. Both Choi Han and KRS!Cale took a peek into the hole to see the identity of the voices. The two figures which KRS!Cale recognized.

KRS!Cale: Choi Jung Soo and Cale Henituse!

At the call of their names, both mentioned turned to the door to see 2 people staring at them. One had the face of happiness and excitement, while the other just cringed and frowned at the other's appearance.

Unknown 2/Choi Jung Soo: My Dongsaeng!

Swings the door open and jumps at KRS!Cale. Only to be pushed back by Choi Han.

Choi Jung Soo: How could you betray me, my uncle once removed.

Choi Han: I can't let you hurt Cale-nim.

But before they could even draw weapons, a kitchen knife went flying pass their faces before lounging itself to the wall. The Chois turned to see a very annoyed OG!Cale glaring daggers at them, armed with the kitchen knifes. But it was hard to be seriously scared of this Cale as they were wearing a pink apron with Kiss the Cook written large on the thing.

Unknown 1/ OG/Regressor!Cale: Don't make me throw another knife at you. And don't come back into the kitchen, you pair of kitchen disasters.

KRS!Cale: I don't think your intimidating really works, at least not with that apron.

R!Cale: *turned to his counterpart* is that so. Then should I beat you up to show intimidation?

Scent of burnt food halted R!Cale from his advance, before he stopped and returned to manning the food. Both Chois went to hide behind KRS!Cale, as they don't want their dongsaeng/liege to beat them up. Much less someone who happened to share the same face of their precious person to beat them up.

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