Chapter 84: When will I get to rest?

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Cale felt like he was coming out of a swamp as he came back to his senses. He tried to recall what had happened.

'I fainted.'

He had no strength left and fainted.

Cale felt himself laying on something soft and furry, it felt like a poorly made bed, but... Elves shouldn't have something like that.

-3,2,1. half, half of half... human, I will count back down to 100. wake up before I reach 0, or I will destroy this continent. 100, 99, 98....-

Cale heard Raon's voice in his head and slowly opened his eyes. He was shocked at what he saw.

'A flower garden? Big dragon... Mieko?'

There were flower petals floating in the air. Raon's voice could be heard by his ear.


The voice that was as quiet as a whisper seemed to be shocked. As Cale moved his hand to touch the top of his stomach, to feel something invisible there. It was Raon.

'Has he been here the whole time?'

-Yes he has. He barely ate and only started eating apple pies, when Aster said that you don't want him to starve.-

A deeper voice echoed in his head, as Cale turned his head to face Mieko's dragon from, which curled up around them. Along with what feels like a living body he was laying on, with Cherry and Terra resting beside his, piled on top of each other.

Cale slowly pushed himself up as he felt Raon moved from his stomach.

-Human! You are awake!-

"Did I make you wait?"

Cale asked, but coughed a little as his throat was really dry. Raon immediately ran up to Cale's hand and waited for Cale to stop coughing, as the red head pat Raon's head.

"You must have been hungry. I will get Mr Chef to make get you something to eat."

Raon became invisible and flew over the curled wall, that was Mieko's body, as he blocked the elves from coming near Cale or Raon, while the other was sleeping.

"How did he know?"

-He was laying on your stomach. I'm sure he could hear your stomach grumble a lot.-

"How long was I out?"

-Three days.

Then Cale snapped up, ignoring the sudden dizziness at his movement. As he felt the object behind him move. He turned to see that he was laying on a white panther...


-You just realized?

"Shut up. When did I start attracting more divine beast?"

Cale groans, as the panther just purred, while the bird and goat also ran over to check on their partner. Before Mieko lifted his tail to see On and Hong running at him, while Aster and Ron also approached holding a tray.


"You are awake."

The kitten jumped into the young master's embrace as Cale just pats them to calm the tears, as he feels Raon leaning at his side too.

"Good morning, you are three days overdue."

Aster comments as he hands a bottle of water to Cale for him to sip at it. Or so he thinks as it was lemonade. Making the red head cringe a little, as he hands it back to his partner.

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now