Chapter 94: Call with the Crown Prince

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The next morning, Rosalyn guilty went to Cale with a communication device.

"The Crown prince -"

"Ah. He really shouldn't. because I don't want to talk to him. Tsk. Give it here, active it and leave. I know you want to learn as much from the Golden Dragon."

Miss Rosalyn smiled as she did as he told her, connecting to the Crown Prince, who had his glib smile.

It's good to see you, Young master Cale.

"Not the same for me. So drop your false sincerity and get to the point. Is the information not enough? Because if you want more, you would need to pay for it."

As much as I agree, the information you give me is something I need to question you about. How did you know about this information, Young Master Cale?

"Oh, I have many resources and I am not obliged to tell you anything. You are the prince, not my parent. And I won't even tell my own family. I see no reason to tell you."

Cale sassed back, as he sees the false blonde's eye twitch at his words.

Then how can I believe your words. That the organization that was responsible for the terror incident is apparently working together with the Northern Alliance. How can I trust you, if you do not trust me?

The prince tried to rebut Cale's own words.

"... true. But I do not care if you don't believe me. I guess some people would die, because the future king, did not want to believe what his loyal subject is telling him. Oh well."

Cale acts like he did not care about the Prince's choices, as he was just providing him information. He cannot force anyone to believe what he says. Besides his reputation of a trash makes his words very unbelievable.

Alberu took a deep breathe, as he too does not like to deal with Cale. Despite being an existing powerhouse, which could turn the tide in any war. Should he so desire. Plus, that bastard likes money and would scam him out of more money, than those three golden plaques.

Alberu is still nervous, as he hasn't use the golden plaques at all.

Shit is really about to hit the fan, huh?

"Your highness, that is an understatement. It already have. But aren't we allied with the Breck Kingdom? Furthermore, think about who else we have on our side... We have the great and grand hero."

'As much as he is really weak right now. With more training he will get back to his former glory.'

Alberu nodded, but in his mind it was slightly different from Cale's last sentence.

'Yes. We have this sly young master.'

Cale Henituse and Alberu Crossman had similar looking smiles on their faces.

Raon, who had been standing outside of the visible range of the video communication device, started to speak into Cale's mind in a jovial voice.

-What are we planning to do? Are we preparing to smack the Empire, the Northern Alliance, and Arm around?-

Cale was unable to answer Raon, as Alberu started to speak.

What would you do if I pass this responsibility to you?

"I would chuck it to my uncle. As I'm too busy to be helping you. If you want, I will hand it to Choi Han, but I'm still not interested to be your lap dog."

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