Chapter 48: 2nd Prince & Uncle Luke

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Back at the Henituse Capital manor, Aster was looking through the reports, only to notice someone bad.

'Why is there a shipment of poison from the Mogoru Empire to Roan Kingdom? And this is... this can't be good.'

"Fuck, my gut instinct tells me something is going to go wrong."

[King! King! There is poison in the palace. They want to give it to King 2.]

One of the Elementals told Aster as he was groaning to himself, before snapping up.

"Fuck. All these nobles are like that!"

Aster cursed, before grabbing a sword and heading of to the palace, without informing the children, as they were studying and waiting for their human to come home.


 As Cale was slowly walking out of the palace with one of the king's guards leading him out. The young master just wants to go back and rest, as it was an annoying day. The only good thing Cale got out from this visit was his uncle's stories, a cheque from the Crown prince and a golden plaque from the king. Other than that, the faster Cale leaves the palace, the more at ease, he would be.

But just as he was about to leave a bunch of the 2nd prince's lackeys decided to block his way.

"Cale Henituse, are you going to respond to the royal decree from the 2nd prince?"

'What a pain.'

"My apologized, but I have prior arrangements with family --"

"Is your family more important than the Prince Robbit?"

"Of course."

This made the prince's lackeys fume, as they were about to approach him, but the guard who was leading him out interrupted them.

"I'm afraid I can't you do that. If Sir Henituse does not want to go with you, by the King's orders, I'm not allowed to let anyone touch him."

The knight said, but their voice was off, especially with that armor they wore.

'Ah, this knight... is a female knight... interesting.'

While Cale's head was off in the clouds, the knight who was escorting him was being very frank to the nobles in front of her, as she really want to lop their head off.

"Then how about come with Cale Henituse to the party. I bet you will see something special."

Someone from the crowd said, as the mentioned just frowned at the way they said it. As they were planning to force him to come along, even if he doesn't want to.

'How annoying.'

Cale was debating if he should just jump out of a window and head home, but decides against it as it would draw more attention to him. And it was bad enough he caught the king's attention, he doesn't need anymore than that.

"I guess it won't hurt to say for a short while."

But Cale was on full alert despite his words being the complete opposite.

"Dame Knight, you are welcome to follow. There will indeed be an interesting show today."

Cale told the knight whole flinched at the fact, he called her knight, instead of the disrespect she constantly received while training to be a knight. She smirked under her helmet as she followed the red head who followed the other lackeys to the venue of the new mayhem.

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now