Chapter 60: New Villa

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Raon could see someone walking toward them from within the darkness.


It was Cale. Raon instantly flew toward Cale, who accepted the tackling hug from the little one. As everyone else also approached him.

"Human, Human! I can feel the power of Earth in you! You're getting as great and mighty as me!"

Raon sniffled and looked towards Cale with admiration.

"Young master, is everything successful?"

Knight Felicia asked as the twins followed her.

"Of course. There wasn't a problem. In fact, do you want to see what is in the cave?"

Cale smiled and the children all nodded, before the twins entered the cave first, with the knight trying to chase after them. While the mind dragon just waited with Raon and Cale, before they followed too.

'What is the next plan?'

Mieko telepathically asked Cale.

"We clean the place up. Then we will travel back."

"Are we going to teleport?"

Raon excitedly asked.

"Nope. Geo and Iris needs more training."

"Boot camp."

The duo dragons acknowledged, as they want the pair to be up to their level, before they tackle harder task. To prevent more causalities in the future, they must be prepared, even if they are going to be pushed to their limits.


A couple of days later, Geo came bursting out of the forest, haggled and exhausted. This made the other jump a little at the appearance of the brunette, as he pants before face planting on the ground, due to tripping over a rock.

"Geo hyung is everything alright?"

One of the wolf children approached the groaning teen, who just barely lifted his head to reply.

"Crazy, all of them are just. Ouff-"

Before he could finish his statement another person landed beside him and stomped a foot on his back. It was George's older sister, who is equally exhausted, but holding out better than her brother.

"Cale nim is doing this for our sake. Quit whining."

This drew the attention of others.

"What did Cale-nim do?"

Lock asked as he approached the twins, as more noises came from the forest.

"Our Liege calls it boot camp? I have done something slightly less intense in the Royal knights, so this isn't that bad."

Dame Felicia comments as she was the next to appear out of the forest. Geo looked at both ladies like they had offended his mother. Because he was exhausted out of his wits and the claim that they were fine. After fighting throughout the night without a moment of rest.

It was so unfair that the only one who got to sleep were the dragons, as Raon was still young and Mieko just perch on top of their liege's shoulder.

"Good job lasting the days. Go and rest up. I'm sure Uncle Luke would like to see how strong you have grown, with his training."

Cale told them as he was the last to appear out of the forest, with Raon dozing off in his left arm, Mieko on his head and his right arm was holding his sword now, stained with blood. He looks completely fine compared to the trio who he brought along for the trip.

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now