First contact

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Julia started showing Shadow all the places of importance: the storage lockers, the exchange tent, the factory and the quarters.
After a long walk around the outpost and meet and greet. Julia takes Shadow infront of empty quarter.

Julia: That your place now.
Shadow: For me, but i'm just a stranger.
Zaphir: It's a way of welcoming new peps.
Shadow: Where's the catch?
Julia: You have to contribute in our community. You'll have to go outside the walls and scavenge what you can to...
Zaphir: For short, help us and we help you.
Julia: ...
Shadow: Why do you need to scavenge. It's not the end of Tal.

Julia and Zaphir look at each other then look back at Shadow.

Julia: I need to show you something.

Both of them goes to a large renforced doors with 2 guards watching it. Julia tell the guards to open the doors who then proceed to open the doors.

Julia: Take this blade brassard and follow me cautiously, understood?

The moment the doors open an apocalyptic-like landscape could be seen with ruins and destroyed houses and buildings. Shadow couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Julia: You ready?
Shadow: What happened? Everything is so desolated.
Julia: Welcome to evolab's futur. Now follow me, i got something to show you. We can talk on the way there.

Everything was horible; the air, the smell and the landscape. But one thing was questioning Shadow. What is evolab and why does it sound familiar?
After a long walk, Julia stops Shadow.

Shadow: Wha...
Julia: shhh...We're here.

Julia slowly open the door of abandoned house.

Inside was destroyed and abandoned furnitures and a mysterious black sludge over the walls, celling and floor.

Shadow: What that black stuff?
Julia: Something evolabs created. A waste product they had in waste barrels.
Shadow: It's the second time you talked about evolab. What is evolab exactly?
Julia: It's... It was a undercover company called evolab "For a brighter future". Pfft! All they were doing was experiment on living being. And that where we found you. Luckly for you, they didn't had the time to experiment on you since you're still normal.
Shadow: So why did you wa...
Julia: Shhhh! We're not alone anymore...

Slow footsteps could barely be heard as the group starts backing up. Then a shadowy figure appear from one of the rooms.
The shadowy figure moved slow and stoped every so often. The shadowy figure looks was almost like a glitch resembling of a humanoid creature.
After a moment, the figure stayed still and slowly turns toward the group. Without warning it starts screaming.

Shit! We gotta go before...

Before Julia could finish, 2 shambling sergal came behind them grabing Shadow by suprise.
Both of them were maintening Shadow, making any move impossible.
Julia shoted one of the sergals freeing Shadow's right arm. Shadow used immediatly this opportunity to use his armband's blade to stab in the head the other sergal who falls to the ground. Black blood was pouring out of the dead sergals.

Julia: You're not harmed?
Shadow: Just shaken off. What was that thing that screamed at us and why does those sergals attacked us?
Julia: Corrupted.
Shadow: Corrupted?
Julia: They've been corrupted by the black sludge you saw. We called the screamers "Glitch" and those sergals "Corruptor" and the black sludge "Corruption" since it corrupt everything it touches.
Shadow: Is there a way to save them?
Julia: No and even if there is, it's too late for them at this stage. The only cure is death. Let's go back before the sun goes down. You don't want to be outside at night, trust me.

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