A helping paw

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Thats the team that went missing yesterday?

I thought there where no excursion yesterday?

It was a secret excursion i think?

Everybody was questionning what happened to the 2 injured while Oka Was really worried.

I gotta go see the boss, stay here!

Then, Oka starts to run to see the boss leaving Shadow alone.After a few moments, Shadow decide to go see the hospital since he was intrigued on what happen.
Entering the hospital, Shadow sees everyone walking in every directions with loads of talking and yelling. When Shadow approach the patients room, one the the doctor sees him and immediatly approach him while stoping Shadow.

Loxio: Shadow, i'm sorry but i can't let you in.
Shadow: What happened? Everyone is nervous outside and...
Loxio: Look Shadow, i would love to anwser all your questions but we're kind of busy right now.
Shadow: I what i see is panicked medical teams trying their best to keep it all together. listen i just want to help.
Loxio: You're not a doctor nor have experience in this.
Shadow: Maybe not but i know you're lacking in medical stuff. i can get it for you.
Loxio: Wait, how do you know we're in need of medical supplies?
Shadow: Only guessing.
Loxio: Well who ever told you that is right and sincerly that could save their lives and many more if you do this. But what i need the most is a plant called Abrolassix. It has the property of putting people in an artificial coma.
Shadow: Where do i get it?

Loxio starts lowering his voice.

Loxio: In evolab's Site-Omega.
Shadow: And that where?
Loxio: Ask Julia's team, there the ones who got you out of there.
Shadow: What?!
Loxio: No time to explain, i got lots of work. Now go and fast! Their life depends on it!

And with that, Shadow decided to find Julia and go to Site-Omega. After some searching and asking, Shadow finaly find Julia at the local tavern.

Shadow: Julia! We need to talk.
Julia: Uh? About what?
Shadow: About Site-Omega.
Julia: *sigh* Who told you?
Shadow: Loxio. He said...
Julia: What a backstabbing asshole! I knew he would open his fucking mouth! Can't keep thing for himself!
Shadow: Julia! I need to know where it is?
Shadow: I don't care! Loxio need a plant for the injured and its at Site-Omega. Their life depend on it!
Julia: ... Alright but i'm coming with you!
Shadow: I can do it by myself. You don't have...
Julia: I didn't ask! Plus, its too dangerous for you to go alone. I'll go group up the team and we're going.

After several minutes, Julia come back to Shadow with 4 other person.
There was Akran, theold grumpy Graknor. Then Solatix, the nerdy Voxion. Then Moyakniz, the small sergal. And finaly Faftiz, the strong headed sergal.

Solatix is a female Voxion with 2 eyes, 2 horns and 4 ears. she's orange and yellow who look like a sun. She wears a exoskeleton with light armor.
Moyakniz is a small male sergal who his fur look like a candy cane and has blue eyes. He wears a beefy sergal armor.
Faftiz is male sergal with green and white fur with a hint of orange. He has bright green eyes and wears nothing.

Julia: Ready to go? There's no going back when will be outside.
Shadow: Yes, i want anwsers and that plant.
Julia: Ok everybody, we are going back to Site-Omega. We don't leave unless told so. understood?
Julia: I hope you know what you're getting into Shadow.

After the doors opens, the team venture in the unknown to return to Site-Omega. Nothing much happened on the way there. 2-3 shambling corruptors but nothing that the team couldn't handle. Then they stop infront of a collapsed evolab building.

Julia: Alright everyone we looking for Abrolassix so look around and take what you can too. Shadow if you want anwsers then follow me.
Shadow: But everything is destroyed. How is this supposed to be Site-Omega?
Julia: That's because you're not looking at the right place.

Julia shove some debris out of the way to shown a bunker door. They proceed to enter the door then sudenly Shadow feeling dizzy.

Julia: Wow there, you ok?
Shadow: i... yes, i'm ok.
Julia: You sure because...
Shadow: I'M OK!

Julia didn't ask more about Shadow and proceed to enter a large corridor with most of the light still working. They caustiously walk to the first door to the left. They enter what looks like a huge lab office with loads of desk. nothing of interest was here so they searched another room and another, until the find a blast door forced open. They decide to enter and Shadow become dizzy again, almost falling on the ground.

Voice: We all fight for a goal in life, to live another day, to become better than the other.
Shadow: Wha...
Voice: You're no different, no exception. Still you fight against the currents.
Shadow: Who... Where...
Voice: Why are you here?
Shadow: STOP!
Julia: Shadow! SHADOW! YOU HEAR ME?
Shadow: Julia? What happened?
Julia: I was going to ask you the same question. You almost fell on the floor and started mumbling incomprehensible words. I got scared that...

Gun shots could be heard in the adjacent room followed by other gun shots.

Shadow and Julia rushed to the room to see Akran wounded.

Akran: They rushed us when we entered the room.
Julia: Corruptors?
Akran: No... Something i never seen before...
Shadow: Where is now?
Akran: This way... I managed to make it bleed but it didn't care...
Julia: Stay with us Akran! Shadow go find the other 3. I'll patch him up. Be quick! I ain't a doctor.

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