An unforseen problem

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Both of them walk north-west in silence until Sazyl speaks.

Sazyl: So i have to tell you, kobolds here are dealable with but back on prando it's the contrary.
Shadow: Why are they different on prando?
Sazyl: They are organised but here, they are disorganised.
Shadow: Do you live here or on prando?
Sazyl: prando, no one live here apart from kobolds.

As they talks, some wooden spikes and baricades are seen in the distance. The defences themselves aren't that well place as their's a couple of entry points through them. The more they get close to it the more kobolds can be seen wandering around the place.

Shadow: I see the kobolds, they haven't seen us.
Sazyl: Yet... wait until one of them sees us and they will all crawl out of that cave ready to charge us.
Shadow: Then let's not be seen.

Shadow starts approaching the small camp while staying in cover but there's a huge empty field between Shadow and the kobolds camp. Shadow decides to go for it but kinda forgot that on Gaiale he is heavier than on Tal and a kobold spots him.

Sazyl: Good job, Shadow...
Shadow: Shut up!

Kobolds starts to come out the camp, ready to charge one by one. There's 6 kobolds coming outside the camp. The first kobold rush Shadow with a stone spear who Shadow get barely cutted with it before grabing the spear and pushing the kobold to the ground, pinning it down with foot. Shadow throws the spear at kobold who was going for him with a flint knife before get impaled while Sazyl fights against another kobold who slashes at Sazyl but misses while Sazyl cuts the kobold throat open. She gets jumped on the back by a kobold by surprise meanwhile,  Shadow wack another one on the back with his tail before grabing it and biting it on the shoulder until the kobold pinned down bites Shadow's ankle which mke him lose grip of the one he was biting. Sazyl tries to grabs the kobold on her back before another one prepares to strike down at Sazyl which she dodge roll on the side making the kobold on her back trip over. Sazyl take the opportunity to finish off the kobold before the other one slash at Sazyl who get cutted kinda deep before pinning it down and bitting at it until it doesn't move anymore. Shadow, out of pain and anger, crushes the kobold's chest before ending the last kobold who was bleeding out.

Sazyl: [grinning from pain] You good?
Shadow: [slight in pain] It'll heal but you, this wound...
Sazyl: It'll heal...
Shadow: It's quite a deep wound you have.
Sazyl: I've seen worse... Plus there's nothing to heal my wound. Now let's stop wasting time and look if there's anymore kobolds inside.
Shadow: I'll look. You can't fight like this.
Shadow: No but you will slow me down if you come.
Shadow: That's all i ask.

Shadow goes inside the camp then the cave to find no kobolds left. Shadow was about to leave the cave when he hear some noises deeper in the cave and decides to investiguate. The cave wasn't that deep but somehow it feel like the noises is coming deeper from the cave. Shadow is met with a dead end but something is not right so shadow starts looking around in the dark cave. After a moment, Shadow feels a breeze coming from near him and sees a weird symbol engraved in the rock. Shadow touch the rock to feel it being loose so he tries to remove until...


The dead end opens to a well lit hallway carved in the rocks. Shadow enters the hallway while the noises stops abruptly, leaving an eary silence. Shadow arrives at in a room that looks like someone was doing... Research? plans? Well whatever it was doing it was clearly waiting for Shadow to let his guard down. Shadow starts to feel a gun pointed on the back of his head.

???: No sudden move. Are you alone?
Shadow: Why do you care?
???: I'm asking the question. Are you alone?
Shadow: Yes.
???: Who are you working for?
Shadow: I work for myself.
???: Sure and you just so happenned to know exactly where i was. Who sent you? Carelians? Caracals? The open paw? TELL ME!
Shadow: Do i look like i'm even from here?
???: ... Turn around. Slowly.

Shadow turns around to face a human who Shadow couldn't see properly since it was shining a light at his face.

???: What are you?
Shadow: A sergal.
???: sergal? What a dumb specie name and apperance.
Shadow: Continue like that and...
???: You're not in a position to do anything.
Shadow: What you want from me exactly?
???: Nothing. You weren't expected But i can't let you leave this place alive.

The lights starts to flickers as shadow's paws emits a black smoke. The lights turns off and come back on as soon as Shadow unharm the human who take out a blade before getting slash at its chest leaving a small scratch on it. The human kick Shadow to flee toward a hallway and close it behind him. Shadow then hears bipping as he sees a load of active C4 and understands that he need to get the hell out before it go boom. So he runs toward where he came from to hear...


A load of explosions Starts to happen as Shadow manage to exit the cave before being pushed by the blast of the explosions which makes him land 10 ft away from the cave entrance.


Shadow's head was rigging so much he wasn't sure if he was hearing Sazyl or not.

Shadow: Sa...Zyl... Is that... You?

Then everything becomes blury as Shadow falls unconsious.

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