Act 2: Life is unfair

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It has been 2 years since the incident. Everyone think that they got ambushed by raiders and lost their friends and Solatix being a traitor. Shadow's secret was still known only by Julia. Shadow personnality began to change since the incident. He was more enclose in himself, less friendly and more sarcastic. Shadow changed so much that even Julia couldn't recognize him sometimes. Shadow does almost everything solo and made quite the reputation, so much that the boss himself promoted him warlord and people nicknamed him "Deathbringer" because of how deadly Shadow was.

Notrix was not seen after that day.Julia searched for him everywhere to get revenge for her dead friends. Sadly, Julia has disappear for months and everyone was searching for her. Sadly her body was found in an abandon house with no trace of fighting. Shadow buried her with the others. He had lost everyone because of Notrix's evil plan to control Shadow's mind.

Shadow decided to find the truth about him and to do so, he needed Notrix alive. He had nothing to lose apart from his life which he didn't care.

This is the beginning of the hunt.

Shadow... Find me...

Voice: Shadow? You awake? I need your help.
Shadow: *growls* No. Now leave me be.
Voice: C'mon... Can you atleast listen to what i have to say?
Shadow: No!
Voice: I've come all this way to find you and you don't even listen to me!
Shadow: Listen here! I don't know you and you're already annoying me...

Shadow walks to the door and open it.

Shadow: ...But if you continue, i...

The person infront of him a skinnish sergal all yellow with some light marking of white. He was wearing some kind of robes with torn out fabric pants. He had a red symbole on his forehead.

Voice: Nevermind, it was a waste of time coming here. I guess my master was wrong about you being powerful and competent.
Shadow: What did you said?!
Voice: You heard me. Unless you change your mind.
Shadow: I'm not falling for that but alright... What do you want?
Sweeny: My name is Sweeny and i've been sent by my master to lead you to him.
Shadow: Of course and your master is not called Notrix by any chance.
Sweeny: He want to see you because of him. He has something that could help you.
Shadow: Then why is he not here with you hmmmm.
Sweeny: Because his hunted by Evolab's hitmans.
Shadow: Evolab is dead long ago.
Sweeny: Thats what think want people to think. So you coming? Yes or no?
Shadow: Alright, i'm coming but if it's a trap...
Sweeny: You'll do worse than killing me. I know. Follow me then.

Shadow followed Sweeny for for what felt like an eternity. They walk through a city to finaly stop infront of a small house near drestroyed buildings.

Sweeny: Here we are. My master is waiting for you in there.
Shadow: so... He's hiding in this random house?
Sweeny: Well yes and no. He's in a secret room.

Sweeny enters a rundown living room and push a vase which open a bookcase.

Sweeny: You first.
Shadow: You better not lie.

Shadow move the bookcase which reveal an hidden corridor. They walk in to enter a room with hooded figure waiting for them.

Stranger: Ah, so you've come. Come, take a seat.
Shadow: I'm not here to chit-chat. You asked for my help so here i am.
Stranger: Oh, do i Sweeny?
Sweeny: You asked me...
Stranger: I know what i asked you to do. Well i'll be honest, i the one who will help you. You see i know many things, some about Notrix and others about... You.
Shadow: And i suppose it won't be free, right?
Stranger: Ha ha ha! No.
Shadow: Of course, how much?
Stranger: I don't need what you call currenty. I need favors.
Shadow: Sure you do... *sigh* I'm listening. What you want?
Stranger: All in due time. First off, i got 4 jobs to give you.

He hand off a page containing 4 different tasks.

1. Go to evolab's abandoned outpost and find the document called "Sun Down" in a safe. Code's 725.
2. Kill Zoknar and take his ID card.
3. Retrieve the blackbox in the crashsite near the huge skyscraper
4. Deliver the letter with this note to Vavhir at the local tavern. Do not open.

Shadow: I suppose there's no order to those tasks.
Stranger: There's not. Do them all and i shall anwser all your questions.
Shadow: You better or else...
Stranger: I know what you're capable of, even more than you think.

And so Shadow started his journey to complete the 4 tasks he has been given.

Shadow began wandering while thinking what task he should do first. He wandered to a large building with loads of barricade and lights.

Guard 1: Halt! Who goes there?
Shadow: Why does it matter to you?
Guard 2: Anwser the question!
Shadow: Someone, happy?
Guard 1: Oh! It's mister funny guy. Do you have other jokes?
Shadow: I'm so funny that i'm gonna shove your gun up ass if you ain't gonna open the door.
Guard 1: Ooooh, i would love to see you try.
Shadow: Look big boy. Take a seat before you fall and break your neck.
Guard 2: I don't think we should anger him even. Plus, the boss my have a job for a guy like him.
Guard 1: Fine! But you better keep those weapons of yours where they are!
Shadow: Like you gonna stop me.

The doors open to a small comunity hidden in the building. When entering he sees some signs telling where stuff are. One says tavern so Shadow follow the signs to arrive to what supposed to be the tavern. He enter the tavern to see 4 groups of people siting at some wooden tables and 1 a the bar drinking shots. Shadow sits at the bar.

Barman: What poison will it be?
Shadow: Your strongest.
Barman: I don't think you'll handle it.
Shadow: Then tell me do you know a certain Vavhir or Zoknar by any chance?
Barman: Look, i don't get paid to answer questions only drinks.
Shadow: Well, if you give me your strongest booze, will you anwser my questions?
Barman: If you handle it that is.

The barman hands Shadow a bottle with black liquid in it and mark with an X. Shadow start chugging it like it was water. When Shadow finish the bottle, the barman become surprised by how Shadow isn't drunk yet.

Barman: How?... I mean i knew your kind isn't easy to get drunk but thats shit is like 75% alcohol! Even Groknars can't handle that much alcohol!
Shadow: So Vavhir and Zoknar?
Barman: Zoknar is in the lower levels 3with his gang. As for Vavhir...

He look at the drunken guy near Shadow.

Barman: He's completely out and will probably stay like that for hours.
Shadows: I ain't got hours to wait. Take this letter and give it to him when he doze off.
Barman: Hmmmm. So it's time.
Shadow: What do you mean "it's time"?
Vavhir: I'm Vavhir and i know what this letter means.
Shadow: So you lied to me.
Vavhir: Only that, yes. I'm sorry but here you learn to trust nobodies. Take this, he'll know what to do with it.

Vavhir give Shadow an orb made of unkown materials with black stuff in it.

Vavhir: i would tell you to be careful with it but i wasn't able to open it by force so i'm sure you won't break it.
Shadow: Alright. One more thing. Does Zoknar has a bounty on his head?
Vavhir: Yes but no one has the courage to deal with him since the last bounty hunter.
Shadow: I guess Zoknar made a gruesome show with him.
Vavhir: Pretty much.

Shadow give his thanks to Vavhir and exit the tavern when out of nowhere someone punch Shadow in the face.

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