No rest for the damned

11 1 3

Rocks come out the ground, levitating around Zero. Then one of the rock rapidly get thrown at Shadow who dispears in a cloud of smoke made by the rock hitting him.

Slate: OMBRAS!

As the cloud of smoke dispears, Shadow is behind an energy shield emeting from his brassard. Shadow looks as surprised by this revelation as Zero is.

Zero: Well, i see you still learning new tricks, puppy, but that wont save you everytimes.

Zero throws the 3 other levitating rocks at Shadow who uses his wings to fly up. Shadow dive bomb toward Zero and rush him into the ground. Zero, unharmed by this, find Shadow's blade on his throat.

Zero: You make me laugh at how weak you are.
Shadow: You think i'm weak but you're the one pinned down.
Zero: You think so?

Shadow suddenly feels floating like he was levitating until a huge force pushes him away from Zero.

Zero: You may have void magic flowing through your veins but we, us at Gaiale, have something called Astral magic that works almost as much as your void magic.

Shadow feels the force holding him thighten even more.

Zero: And when we'll be done with Slate, we'll be able to fuse Astral magic with void magic, making the most powerful magic to ever existed on Gaiale, no the universe!
Shadow: You... Think... Power... Will... Make... You... Stronger...?!
Zero: Not stronger. It will make us gods!
Shadow: No... Gods... Is... MORTAL!

A shockwave throwns Zero of balance making him lose grip of Shadow who changes to a slightly bigger and scarier version of himself. As Zero regain composure, Shadow is already infront of him and slash him on the chest making Zero fall 5 meter backward.

Zero: Tsk tsk, You can't stop progress, Ombras!
Shadow: You think you can be gods but you are just kids playing with something they can't control!
Zero: Can't control?! I HAVE FULL CONTROL!

Zero makes himself a huge hand out of levitating pieces of metal. Shadow get hit by the first swing but gets up as fast then dodge the second one to finaly stop the last swing that is slowly crushing him.

Zero: [Laughs] You're just a bug under my shoes and now you'll die!
Slate: [Cries] OMBRAS! NO!

Shadow, with all his strengh, put to a stop the huge metal hand until it crumbles in pieces. The anthro infront him, a blue, black and yellow fox anthro, starts having a nosebleed.

Zero: [slightly weaken] Dammit. ATTACK HIM!

 2 snipers and 3 spec ops mk.II enters the room. Shadow immediatly fly up and dive down toward the first sniper, grabing him before throwing at the other sniper who dodge by taking cover but the metal patform breaks killing them both in the action. The 3 spec ops mk.II prepares to fire but a celling light falls on them killing them instantly. Shadow looks up to see Skye, who cutted the light free, flying in the air before landing next to Shadow.

Skye: [Proud] Missed me, Shadow?
Shadow: Where were you?
Skye: Doing some organised chaos, and you?

Right before Shadow anwsers, a graknor in full heavy duty armor aim his fuysion rocket at both of them.

Zero: You may be 2 but I have the upperhand!
Sazyl: Think twice!

Sazyl jumps on the graknor, bitting him in the neck before he shove her away and aim at her before starting to scream as Sazyl's poison was already in effect.

Shadow: Sazyl?! Why are you still here?
Sazyl: I heard i could find a way back home here and saw you both so now we are even!
Zero: I should seen it coming and like they says, never 2 without 3. No matter, i will kill you all.
Skye: Nuh uh!
Shadow: Skye, Sazyl! Leave him to me and me only.
Skye: aw.

Skye and Sazyl gets away and Shadow goes back in the arena, facing Zero who starts levitating multiple small rock around him making a shield.

Zero: You won't get me this time! I'm a GOD!

Zero starts levitating and making electricity sparks. Shadow approaches Zero before winds starts pushing Shadow away but Shadow continues to go foward.

Zero: You're nothing compared to us! You're just a raindrop in the middle of the sea!

Shadow still continue forward and is in range of the sparks so Shadow uses his wings has cover.

Zero: You won't save your brother today, like you didn't 3 years ago!

Upon hearing that, Shadow stats to let the rage in and punch the rock shield, breaking some of the rocks. Zero replace the missing rocks by metal pieces.


Shadow breaks the metal pieces which Zero replace by even stronger materials.

Zero: [Losing it] It... Its Impossible! You... Are... NOTHING!

Shadow lets out a loud Yell before breaking through the shield and grabing Zero's leg. Shadow throws him onto some training equipment, hurting Zero and stoping whatever tricks he was doing.

Zero: This can't be! How are you that strong?!

Shadow aproaches Zero with his blades ready.

Zero: How can you...

Shadow slashes at Zero's chest but instead hit and cut the training equipment that Zero put infront of him.

Zero: I see it now! i was too blind to see it! You...

Shadow pierce Zero's chest and look closely at his face.

Shadow: You. Aren't. A. God!
Zero: [Dying] Those.... eyes... Tsoma-kusa...
Shadow: Sweet dreams...

Shadow swing his blade down, leaving Zero's chest wide open with his guts spilling out. Shadow takes Zero's heart and...

Slate: O... Omb... Ombras? What are you doing?

Shadow freeze in place before droping the heart on the ground and turning toward Slate.

Shadow: Slate?! I, hum... I was making sure he was dead...
Skye: Yea sure you were...
Shadow: Skye, now is not the time!

Shadow frees Slate from the machine and starts hugging him while Skye laugh and Sazyl wanders away until...

Shadow: SAZYL! WAIT!
Sazyl: Why? We are even.
Shadow: I know but you said you were looking for a way back home, no?
Sazyl: Yes but i don't see why you care.
Shadow: I care because you ain't from around here so i want to help.
Skye: YES! Plus, there more chance of finding one if we search together!
Sazyl: Urgh... FINE! but you don't give me orders!
Shadow: Deal.

And so Shadow found his brother at last but what will the council do to take its revenge? Who knows but clearly it won't be over.

The world of ShadowsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin