Chapter 2, Act 1: Welcome to Gaiale

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As the sun sets over what looks like charred land, wind flowing rapidly and some boats horn can be heard in the distance. Everything feels ordinary until weird purple sparks starts to appear, making the wind to swirl around it to change slightly to black. Something out of the ordinary is happenning then it gets bigger until it pop like a bubble letting something heavy falls to the ground, making a loud...


Everything becomes silent as, in the distance, a shadow is seen with a faint glowing green shine goes away after a moment. The smoke made by the crash slowly dissipate revealing a body. More precisely, the body of a black and dark grey sergal with red marking on its fur. strangely unharmed.

Shadow wakes up, slowly opening it eyes, while feeling like his body was beaten up to a pulpe. Every part of his body feels numb as every moves feels heavy.

Shadow: [Tired] Ugh... I feel drained... Where am i?... 

Shadow gather all his strenght and slowly gets up to take a look around him. Everythings around him is charred and burned which doesn't familiar to Shadow.

Shadow: [Thinks] Where am i? What is this place?

As Shadow walk around to get his body not numb anymore, he sees that the ground, sky, air and gravity doesn't feel like he remembers it to be. Now that he think about it, everything feels different. Shadow walks in straight-ish line to be met with an obstacle, the ocean. Shadow looks in the horizon but nothing can be seen. He wanders a bits to see movement in the distance but too fast to know what it is. Shadow decides to follow the direction "it" took to only find Sazyl, who didn't paid attention to Shadow until she turns around.

Sazyl: [Hostile] DON'T COME ANY CLOS...! Wait, Shadow?! No! I'm losing it! You can't be here!

Without any warning, Sazyl punch Shadow in the face who didn't expect that.

Sazyl: How and why are you here?!
Shadow: Where is "here".
Sazyl: So you don't know...
Shadow: We aren't on tal, thats clear but what is this place?
Sazyl: You are on Gaiale. More precisely, ator or atleast what's left of it.
Shadow: What's left of it?
Sazyl: This land was, a long time ago, the land of the dragons but during the war, someone bombed this place so the dragons couldn't fight them.
Shadow: Ok... But why are YOU here? I thought the council captured you or something?
Sazyl: Huh? Why?
Shadow: Because they took us by surprised, kidnaped my brother again and Skye fell through the same portal has me. But you were nowhere to be found.
Sazyl: I know as much as you do.
Shadow: So... I suppose this island isn't your home then.
Sazyl: Really?! How did you know that?!
Shadow: [Stare at Sazyl] I don't need that sarcasm right now! Now, how do we get off this island?
Sazyl: By boat obviously. Some miners come on boats to mine here.
Shadow: Mine? Mine what?
Sazyl: Dragon jade.
Shadow: So we just wait for a boat to arrive? I can't waste time!
Sazyl: You could swim but it wouldn't a wise choice.
Shadow: How long are we gonna wait then, huh?

The discussion is broken by a loud boat horn honking. As Shadow looks toward the sound, he can see in the distance a vague shape of a large boat.

Sazyl: Your question has been anwsered.
Shadow: It's quite far though.
Sazyl: Then we have time to kill.

Sazyl continues looking around just like she is searching for something.

Shadow: [Intrigued] Did you lost something?
Sazyl: No, i'm just looking around.
Shadow: Sure doesn't look like it.
Sazyl: Just mind your own business!

After a couple of minutes, Sazyl grabs something weird and hides it in her pocket. Shadow tries to take a glims at the object but only sees a shine then nothing. Shadow was going to ask Sazyl about it when the sound of an anchor dropping is heard.

Sazyl: Here is the boat. Let's go!

Shadow follows Sazyl to the boat when they are met with a bunch of anthros carrying mining equipments and one yelling order to the others.

Supervisor: Alright everyone! Unpack the equipments over there! HEY, BE CAREFUL WITH THAT JOE! AND YOU SAPHIR, LESS TALKING, MORE WORKING!
Shadow: Hey you, can you he...

The Supervisor turn toward Shadow.

Supervisor: JEEZ! Why are you... Who the fuck are you?
Shadow: Name's Shadow and this is...
Supervisor: No, no, let me rephrase that. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!
Shadow: You don't know what a sergal is?!
Supervisor: A what now? Look you better explain yourself triangle face!
Shadow: What did you call...
Sazyl: He come from another world.
Supervisor: A triangle shape alien.
Supervisor: You'll do nothing because without me you wont be able to go back to the main land.
Shadow: Rrrrr...
Sazyl: So you are letting us go on the boat.
Supervisor: For a price.
Shadow: How much?
Supervisor: We got an old mining site that got closed because of some kobolds.
Shadow: Then why aren't you doing something about it?
Supervisor: We are miners not soldiers but you 2 look like you know how to fight. So do we have a deal?
Shadow: We don't really have a choice...
Supervisor: You do have a choice but that's the best you can choose.
Sazyl: Where are those kobolds?
Supervisor: To the north-west of here. You'll know when you there, you can't miss it. Now get the job done and only come back after that.
Shadow: What tells us you wont leave before we come back?
Supervisor: Nothing, that's the joy of needing someone's help. Now get lost, i've got stuff to do!

So Shadow and Sazyl venture north-west to find the kobolds and get rid of them.

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