Act 3: Just a walk

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After the void rupture, anthros of all species, colors and heights appeared all over the region. Although some where friendly and caring, others where not exactly good. Some saw that new world as a opportunity to do whatever they want and thus making them untrusth worthy to the eyes of the sergals.
2 months after the void rupture, some new threats from the corruption started to appear with the new anthros now affected by this madness that is everywhere in the region.
Shadow came back to the Safe Haven after the event but sadly while he was away they had been attacked and had to flee. A note was left at Shadow's quarters saying:

We have been attacked over the night by a group we never seen before. They slauthered many members but we managed to push them back. Some got scared and left for some other community. Sadly, we got attacked again the next night, leaving a handful of us alive. If you ever read this, then you are on your own. Safe Haven is no more.

Shadow was alone since Noxe decided to stay isolated incase he become dangerous. Shadow had no point in staying somewhere so he became a wanderer in search for his brother.

2 more months later.

Bartender: Hey, wake up! I aint serving sleeping customer here.

Shadow was in a old fashionned bar with load of billboards with contracts and bounties. The kind of bar where mostly bounty hunters, mercenaries, hitmans, ect go to relax between 2 jobs. The bar was mostly lighten up with neons and light bulbs. The bar was mostly made of scrap metal and worn out wood which was attached to an old mobile home.
Shadow lift his head to see a scarred beefy human with an annoyed look on his face looking at him. Shadow pull out of his pocket 1 gold coin and slam it on the counter.

Shadow: Hellfire brew... all the bottle...
Bartender: I think you had enough.
Shadow: I dont care, give me the bottle!

The bartender clearly give up with a groan and fetch a bottle of Hellfire brew for Shadow.

Bartender: Its only because i know you wont get drunk from that fifth bottle, otherwise i would of ignore your request.
Shadow: [Drink the bottle entirely in a matter of secondes] Yea well i aint staying any longer anyway...
Bartender: Off to where this time? The badlands or the forgotten lands this time?
Shadow: Ah! None. Im going on the road, wandering around.
Bartender: [surprised] You're hitting the road for what reason?
Shadow: [laugh] I aint giving you free gossips. I've got my own reason and thats all to it.

Has Shadow leaves the bar, he bump in a group who was entering the bar. The smallest one of the group shout at shadow.

Shadow: Get out the way then.
Small stranger: You got a problem, mate!
Shadow: You heard him. Sit down, dog.

They both look intensely at each other before the group walk away. Shadow continue his way outside the bar and head for the road. Everything was quiet, well except the few shambler on the road but hey nothing out of the ordinary. After a couple of hours, the moon started rising so Shadow decided to sleep through the night in some ruins nearby.

The next morning...
Shhadow felt something was not right when he woke up as there has been no disturbance over the night. He looks around but sees nothing out of the ordinary so he continued to follow the road until...


Shots where fired in the distance so Shadow followed the sounds. The shots are coming from an old storage depot with half of it destroyed. Shadow enters the the place with caution. Who knows if its a friendly or not but the trail of shamblers does point toward a friendly person.

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