A change in the air

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After freeing Slate, Shadow felt like something was different, Sazyl follows the group in hope to find a way back home and Skye walks along since she has nothing better to do plus what happenned before was really interresting to her. Slate was really joyful even though he didn't talk much except when Shadow talk to him.

Everything was kinda normal for a patchwork group. Their goal is to find a way to bring Sazyl back to his home planet, Gaiale. Sazyl heard that somewhere in the west there was a place called ground zero where they could find anwsers to how to go back to Gaiale so they head that way.

After countless days and night, they walk toward the west finding not much but some ruins and shamblers along the way.

Skye: So Sazyl, what your home looks like?
Sazyl: Why do you care?
Skye: Because i'm curious.
Sazyl: Curiosity killed the cat...
Skye: Huh?
Shadow: She's saying stop asking questions.
Skye: B-but i want to know...
Shadow: Say Slate, do you know what they did to you? Did they injected anything in you?
Slate: I... Dont think so... It was dark and scary most of the time.
Shadow: Well now you won't live that again.
Slate: You promise?
Shadow: I promise.
Sazyl: Can't we skip the boring chitchat and focus on finding the ground zero!
Shadow: Well aren't you the joyess person of the group.
Sazyl: I can find it alone too if you prefer unless you still want the anwsers you wanted!
Skye: LOOK! I see lights not far away!
Shadow: Can you fly up and see what it is?
Sazyl: Of course she can! She's a weird chicken.
Skye: [Outraged] I take offense to that! I'm a nevrean! One that can fly too and..!
Shadow: Skye... Just do it.
Skye: Hmpf! Fine!

Skye flyes up and disapear in the dark sky. While they are waiting for Skye to come back, Shadow hears a faint crack in the in the forest surounding them.

Shadow: [Whispers] Slate, behind me fast.
Sazyl: You heard something?
Shadow: Stay with Slate.

Shadow approaches where the sound was until...

Over here...

Shadow: Who's there!
Sazyl: No one's there.
Shadow: Didn't you hear a voice?
Sazyl: No...

Come to me...

Shadow: THERE! YOU DEFENITLY HEARD IT!Sazyl: Great, you're going crazy...

Slate: What did you hear?
Shadow: Nevermind...

Don't leave...


Follow my voice...

Sazyl: Where did that chicken go! We're wasting time!
Slate: Ombras! Where are you going?

Shadow doesn't respond and walks in the forest. He disapear in the forest without leaving a trace.

Sazyl: REALLY NOW! IT MUST BE A JOKE! THEY LEFT ME BABYSITTING A PUPPY!Slate: I'm not a puppy!Sazyl: Don't you start!This way...

Shadow follows the voice until he sees a small patch of dirt weirdly shaped.

Almost there...

Shadow start digging with his paws until he finds a hatch hidden under the dirt.

Yes... Yes... Open it...

Shadow prepares to open it when...

???: Don't.

Shadows turns back to see someone he thought was long gone.

Shadow: Who are yo... Wait... Are you?
Julia: Julia? I was...
Shadow: But i buried you! You where dead! How are you...
Julia: Alive? Eh, i wouldn't consider myself alive. 

Julia removes her cloak revealing her appearance. Julia has purple glowing eyes with the vein around it glowing purple like lightning in the clouds. Purple markings on her arms and legs can be seen too.

Shadow: Woah, what happened to you?
Julia: Thats a long story which i don't have time to tell. Now get away from the trapdoor.
Shadow: What's in there?
Julia: Just forget about it.
Shadow: I hear someone inside. No way imma act like there's nothing here!
Julia: You h...
Shadow: I what?
Julia: I was hoping it wasn't the case...
Shadow: What you mean by that?

Julia walks toward the trapdoor and grabs the handle.

Julia: I'm risking alot doing that but its only because we where friends before.
Shadow: Before?!

Julia opens the trapdoor revealing a ladder. She starts climbing down While talking to Shadow.

Julia: Now follow me but don't do anything i didn't told you to do. One last thing, don't listen to it.
Shadow: It? Who's it?
Julia: Just follow me and you'll understand.

Shadow climbs down and follows Julia in what looks like a homemade tunnel until they end up in a room by going through a hole in the wall. The room is faintly lit by some half broken lights but one light is working fine and is lighting a weird capsule.

You... Approach my cage...

The voice is coming from the capsule but who the fuck is in there?! As Shadow starts heading toward the capsule, Julia stops him in his track.

Julia: What did i say. Don't listen to it.
Shadow: What's in there?
Julia: Something that should of been forgotten...

She approaches the capsule, giving 2 knock on it. The tainted window shift to reveal 2 white... Dot? No, eyes!

Julia: Go on, devil, speak.
???: Ah, i see you brought her along... No matter...
Shadow: Who are you?
Julia: More like what it is...
???: I am nothing and everything... The beginning and the end... Balance and chaos...
Shadow: What does that supposed to mean?
Julia: A bunch of mysterious bullshit.
???: I can help you...
Julia: In exhange of being free, i suppose?
???: I need freedom to be of use...
Julia: No way i'm letting you out on my watch!
Shadow: What is so dangerous about letting it free?
Julia: I don't know for sure but there's a reason why it is in there!
Shadow: Like when you freed me?
Julia: That's not the same thing.
???: It is exactly the same...
Shadow: Julia, what if it's not dangerous? I mean, he can help us.
Julia: US?! No, there's no us plus it could do exactly the contrary and kill everyone on sight.
???: I'm just a watcher in this world...
Shadow: If it does then we put it back in. Deal?
Julia: [Deep sigh] Do whatever you want at this point, i don't have the time to keep you away from it. I already wasted to much time. Goodbye Shadow, for real this time.

Julia exits the place leaving shadow alone with the capsule. Shadow approaches the capsule and open it.

Let's hope you made the right choice...

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