Act 4: The big picture

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Shadow and Skye hides in the nearby foliage looking at the anthros loading some weird crates onto some truck. The weird thing about the crates was the size of them, almost like they were made for something more than holding stuff in it. All of them have are marked with the feather symbol.

Shadow: [Whisper] Why i have the feeling something important is in it.
Skye: [Whisper] Do you see that symbol. Weird huh?
Shadow: I've seen it before but i still don't what it means.



One of the crates falls down on the ground and the lid of the crate breaks in half leaving the crate slightly open. All the guards stops everything and points their gun toward the crate like something was suposed to happen.


Suddenly, a purple liquid come out of the guard's mouth barking order and all the other guards starts fireing at him. The lead guard gets throwed toward the truck making the it bend like it was paper then another guard starts puking the purple liquid while something appears out of thin air and block the incoming bullets with an energy shield coming out of its hand. The guard puking stops and starts running toward the other guards. Its eyes are glowing purple and it is screaming with i ear breaking sound, like a banshee.


Before they could kill it, the weird guard get close enough to kamikaze itself on the guards killing them instantly. The thing looks like a weird robotic humanoid with one circular purple glowing eye. Its has a black outershell with purple light emiting from its joints.

Threat eliminated. Scanning surroundings... Biological entity detected.

Skye: [Whisper] I think it knows we are here...

While she says that the robot disappear then suddenly appear infront of them and grabs them both by the neck.

Facial scan in progress... Do not resist. Compiling scan with database... Ombras Darkum... Skye Taro...

The robot let go of them and freeze in place.

It's impossible! You shouldn't be in control yet you are infront of me. Vision status normal. You are really here. Where is Slate Darkum? 

Shadow: He is with the council... Somewhere... But what are you?
The Keeper: I am the Keeper. My goal is... was to protect Slate Darkum but i have no information in my database about that council nor their location.
Skye: Welcome to the club.
The Keeper: Wait, i detect a weak signal from Slate Darkum. Triangulation needed. New mission assigned: Retrieve Slate Darkum from "the council".
The Keeper: I must triangulate the signal before finding Slate Darkum but i will retrieve him until i power down.
Shadow: Then i will follow you!
The Keeper: No. I cannot let you near Slate Darkum.
Shadow: WHAT?! WHY?!
The Keeper: It must not find Slate Darkum.
Shadow: WHO'S IT?
The Keeper: Don't worry. I will keep Slate Darkum safe but i can't say the same for you Ombras Darkum. Do not follow me.

The Keeper walks away before using its super jump boost. Shadow stay still a moment.

Skye: Are we going to let that "Keeper" find your brother?
Shadow: Not as long as i breath! Let's go! We have an outpost to infiltrate.
Skye: Wait! Infiltrate?! I thought we where going to spy on them?!
Shadow: Change of plan, im done not knowing what ahead.
Skye: [Slightly worried] You're not going to head first, right?
Shadow: No but you might not like what i have in mind. Now let's not waste time.
Skye: Wait what do you mean i won't like... HEY! WAIT FOR ME!

Shadow already starts going toward the outpost while Skye hasn't finished asking her question. They walk for 40 minutes until they see light in the middle of the forest. After approaching the outpost , they see a road leading to storage area. Couple of guards, couple of lights and alot of open space.

Skye: What do we do now?
Shadow: We sneak in the shadows.
Skye: I know you can praticaly be invisible in the dark but i can't. Plus the doors need keycrads.
Shadow: I could kill them all one by one but they could find the bodies.
Skye: Well, i could fly on the roof but i can't hold you while flying there.
Shadow: Alright then, do you know how to use a gun?
Skye: No but don't worry, i know how to defend myself.
Shadow: If you say so. Good luck and be cautious.

Skye flies up and Shadow sneak behind the guards. Of course, one of the guards fall asleep on the job giving Shadow the opportunity to pickpocket his keycard and entering the outpost.

Upon entering the outpost, Shadow is met with a small storage room. 2 guards are patrolling the area, light is on but some crates create some dark area. Shadow gets past the guards easily and enters in a hallway with a couple of doors, 2 doors on the left and 1 on the right. Shadow enters the first door on the left and in the room is a camera room with a holo-projector. Shadow starts the holo-projector which shows informations about an hidden bunker in the desert where they found something unknown with the feather and crown symbols. The next room on the right is an office with load of documents and paperworks. Shadow look through the papers but nothing appears important except on file called "5-3-8" which Shadow remembers that number being important in his visions. The last room is dissection with a weird specimen on the operation table. Shadow look through the room but nothing says what the specimen is so Shadow approach the specimen and sees the specimen's chest is open with a weird device in it. As Shadow grabs it, the specimen starts struggling on the table which surprises Shadow.

???: Where... I... Am?...
Shadow: [Surprised] How are you alive?!
???: I... Can't... See... You... But... I... Do... Recall... Your... Voice...
Shadow: I don't recall seeing you.
???: Maybe... Not... You... But... Someone... Like... You...
Shadow: What is it's name?
???: Lukhros... Darkium...

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