Something smells fishy

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The dim light passing through the waves illuminate Shadow's  face as he opens them slowly , while being slowly drowning. Shadow senses vaguely something moving around him as he lose consciousness until a force pushes him deeper in the water and darkness. Shadow only has the time to hear a faint voice;

This is not your end...

Shadow wakes up on a beach, barely understanding if he was alive or dying. As Shadow stays motionless on the beach somethings start to appear around Shadow as his eyes adjust themselves to their surroundings. There is a couple of bodies on the beach near him but none alive.


As Shadow hears the voice, 4 blue kobolds and a 5th green. They start approaching bodies one by one, searching for what they have on them.

kobold 1: This one dead.
kobold 2: This too.
kobold 1: Why so many?
Kobold leader: Talk less! Loot more!

As they finish searching one spots Shadow.

Kobold 4: OY! Something strange here!
Kobold 2: What that?
Kobold 3: Look like fish.
Kobold 1: Smell like fish.
Kobold leader: Grab fish to tribe.

As one of the kobold tries to grab Shadow's tail, Shadow feel an uncontroleable need to swing it in every directions as his tail is very sensitive to the touch. and that is what Shadow does as the kobold grabing his tail thrown around in the sand.

Kobold 4: HELP!
Kobold 2: FISH ALIVE!
Kobold leader: USE NET!

One of the kobold throws a fishing net over Shadow which did stop him from being angry while being still recovering from the boat crash. The kobolds starts to drag Shadow with the net to their camp. Shadow, angry at his situation, starts to trash around trying to get out of the net. One of the kobolds aproaches Shadow enough for Shadow to bite his leg.


The other kobolds laugh at him but after a couple of minutes the kobold looks less active and more sloggish. By the time they manage to drag Shadow half way toward their camp, the kobold who was bitten becomes exhausted.

Kobold leader: Why you slow?
Kobold injured: Head dizzy.
Kobold leader: Fish poisonous?
Kobold 3: FISH TALK?!

Sadly the net was, weirdly enough, too well-made to be cutted by Shadow's blades. Shadow give up after a couple of tries and gets draged to the kobolds camp. All the kobolds look at Shadow with curiousity while he gets draged into a hut with a bunch of fish in nets to then leave him there. Shadow tries to free himself in vain until he sees a wodden plank slowly being moved. A small siamise cat anthro enters through the small space it made. She is wearing some worn out fishing clothes clearly damaged by something sharp. She look like she barely eats and is on edge. As She sees Shadow, she back away in fear as they look at each other but Shadow notice she has a small knife in her paw.

Shadow: Hey, get over here and help me get out of this damn net.
Kid: [Afraid] W-w-who are y-you?
Shadow: I'm Shadow.
Kid: Why are you in here? Alive.
Shadow: Those stupid kobolds think i'm a fish or something. You gonna help me or not?

The kid approach cautiously Shadow thinking it is a trap but then again, those kobold never did something like that so why would it be different. She get real close to Shadow, trying to understand what he is exactly. She sees Shadow's eyes following he every move and sees his impatience and starts to tries cutting the net only to see her knife not sharp enough to cut through the net.

Kid: I can't cut it. It's more resistant than their normal fishing net.
Shadow: Can you untie it then?
Kid: I-i'll try.

She get toward Shadow's head where the net is tied and start untieing the net. As soon as Shadow gets free from the net, she put her knife on Shadow's throat.

Shadow: Woah, easy now.
Kid: You better tell me what you are and why they left you alive.
Shadow: I already told you.
Kid: I'm not buying it.
Shadow: You'll have too because i ain't got any other explainations.
Kid: I feel you're just trying to trap me.
Shadow: Look kid, i have my blade pointed at you chest and if i wanted to huert you i would of stabbed you from the beginning. Now can you let go of me so we can leave this stinking hut?

The kid hesitate for a seconde before letting go of Shadow who gets up and look through the door by opening it slightly. As Shadow looks outside, he sees the kobold he bited on the ground surrounded by other kobolds. The kobold looks pale and its leg has where he was biten has darken. The kobolds are too preocupied to look toward the fish hut which Shadow takes advantage of. They both leave the kobolds camp without being seen.

Kid: We are far away enough to be safe.
Shadow: Thanks for freeing me, kiddo.
Shadow: Fine, lil girl.

Shadow starts to walk back to the kobolds camp but is stop by the the kid.

Kid: Where are you going? Thats toward the kobolds camp!
Shadow: I know...
Kid: Why are you going back there then?
Shadow: I lost someone i need to find.
Kid: Someone like you?
Shadow: No. A green dragonoid.
Kid: But they'll kill you if they find you free.
Shadow: They wont find me.
Kid: Then i come with you!
Shadow: No, you're staying here! You're going to be hurted otherwise.
Kid: I know how to make myself discreet.

The kid starts to walk ahead of Shadow toward the camp. Clearly she's hidding something or she just like danger. Either way, Shadow doesn't like it but what choice is she giving him.

Shadow: Damn kid, why they must do the contrary of what they should do...

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