Memory from the past

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As the railgun shoot, Shadow grabs it with his tail making the railgun to barely miss Shadow's head. The anthro realise it but before he could react, Shadow uses his wings to unbalance the anthro who dash back to prevent any damage. The sun starts to disappear and Shadow fly up in the air with his wings wide open. From everyone's angle, Shadow is hidding the sun behind him and then the anthro starts fireing missiles at shadow who dive through them and dodge them easily to then in mere seconds go pass the anthro. The anthro turn around to see his right arm in Shadow's paw. The anthro surprised but not intimidated starts to laugh as he retract his hand to let a flamethrower take the place.

???: You might think you have the upper paw but don't mistake yourself, i'm the one leading the dance!

But before he could do anything, another voice is heard.

Mysterious anthro: I wouldn't do that if i was you.

The mysterious anthro looks like a sheriff from the western time with the only different being that he is wearing a bulletproof armor underneath.

Cybernetic anthro: He's a type-A, he has to be eliminated.
Western anthro: You had your chance.
Cybernetic anthro: I still have time.
Western anthro: No you don't. The sun is praticaly gone.
Cybernetic anthro: You said i have the entire day...
Western anthro: Day not night and you didn't managed to 'eliminate' him. Now we do it my way and thats an order.
Cybernetic anthro: Don't even...

The western anthro takes out a device, press a button and suddenly the cybernetic anthro disapear in a spark of light.

Western anthro: You gave him something to think about. I hope you're proud.
Shadow: Who are you?
Western anthro: Thats is a good question that i wont anwser today but know this; we are keeping a close eye on you.
Shadow: Why?! Are you with the council?
Western anthro: [Laugh] The council doesn't know anything about us but if you show your control over it then we will see eachother again. Salaxtice, Shadow.
Shadow: Wait! How you know my...

The western anthro disapears the same way the other one did leaving a coin on the ground. Shadow picks it up to see the same symbol on it as the one with the letter. A feather on one side and a crown on the other side but how's that possible?! Are they involved in the disappearance of his dad? So many questions were in Shadow's mind but...

Skye: [Anxious] Shadow! You okay?
Shadow: I'm not badly hurt, i think. Where's Sazyl?
Skye: She left as soon as she got out of the mines.
Shadow: I have the feeling it's not the last of her we gonna see...
Skye: You sure you're alright? You got beat up quite good.
Shadow: Don't worry, i'll be fine. Now let's think about what to do next. I wonder if...
Skye: If what?

Shadow walks back in the mines and starts searching the special ops bodies. Skye, curious, watches over Shadow's shoulder trying to see what he's doing. After a couple of minutes, Shadow finds the body of the squad leader and finds a map with markings on it plus some orders.

Retrieve the one called Shadow and bring him back to outpost Epsilon. Kill anyone whos with the target. Engage the target if necessary but don't kill it nor injure it too much as it could be fatal for our goal.
May HE guide you in your path.

Shadow: Interresting... I think we going to pay them a visit.
Skye: What does HE represent you think?
Shadow: I don't know nor i care. They're mad that for sure!
Skye:  [Anxious] So we're going to attack an outpost?!
Shadow: That's the plan, yes.
Skye: But we're unprepared and only 2!
Shadow: Talk for yourself, i'm always prepared.
Skye: Like with that weird anthro or the special ops or...
Shadow: [Annoyed] What you're trying to say?
Skye: You always think you're unkillable and unstopable. It's almost as you didn't care about your survival.
Shadow: [Angered] So what?! I should wait around while my brother is held captive by the Council?!
Skye: No but we shouldn't go head first without preparation. It's suicide!
Shadow: And what are you proposing?
Skye: Why not take some equipment from the special ops bodies and spy that outpost Epsilon.
Shadow: [Thinks] Not a dumb idea, i should of thought about that...
Skye: It's alright, just think before taking actions.
Shadow: I'm sorry, i just can't think when i think about him...
Skye: We'll find him, don't worry.

Shadow and Skye starts taking equipment from the bodies and starts following the map Shadow got. They walks for 2 days, taking breaks and sleeping but no sign of Sazyl. They are about 4 days away from the outpost Epsilon but something tells Shadow there's something he would need there. 

Skye: ...Is waiting for us there?
Shadow: huh?
Skye: I said, what do you think is waiting for us there?
Shadow: Why should i know that?
Skye: I don't know, i'm just trying to start a conversation.
Shadow: There's other ways to start a conversation.
Skye: Maybe YOU should start one then.
Shadow: Okay, then tell me, what you think is waiting for us there?

As they walk and talk, Shadow senses something following them. Could it be Sazyl or someone else. One thing for sure, it's not hostile, yet... 1 day before arriving they starts hearing voices and vehicules noises. Something is going on...

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