The dread-naught

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As Shadow goes pass the door he finds himself in the breaker room. A bunch of shelves and electrical stuff made the room resemble a maze. The 2 guards where in the room clearly as Shadow hears them chater about the fuse being not blown. Shadow manages to go past them into the next room which Don mentionned. Upon entering the room, Shadow finds himself in a janitor's closet with a half repaired hole in the wall. The opening lead to a pipe which give access to the lower floor  so Shadow climb down the pipe. Shadow was in the roof of the -2 floor and could see an open air vent which he climb down. Finaly he was in the -2 floor in what look like an underground loading bay. As his suprise shadow find himself alone, nobody around to see him nor stop him so he look around and sees a door with a sign above it with Zoknar's office written on it. Shadow started to walk to the door when the adjacent doors open with 4 guard armed with assault rifle and followed by a large Graknor with a heavy bullet proof armor armed with a large plasma minigun.

Paingiver: Well what do we have here? A pesky sneaky rat and you do look like one! The boss knew you where coming and said to not disturb him in his work!
Shadow: Great! If i knew i was gonna have a welcoming party i wouldnt of wasted my time being stealthy...
Paingiver: Well since im in a good mood, here the deal surender yourself and be thrown in the cage and if you survive long enough, the boss might let you go.
Shadow: What if i dont surender?

The guards start laughing as the Graknor takes his minigun and aims it at Shadow

Paingiver: Well Drekna gonna shred you to pieces. So what's gonna be?

Shadow start going left to right clearly thinking about this hard choice and surely not being sacarstic about it.

Shadow: Surender or die horribly? Hmmm? That's a good question... Let me think... Hmmmm?
Shadow: Ok ok jeez! Cant wait a minute. I choose...
Paingiver: I swear if you gonna lose my DAMN time!..
Shadow: ...To go through that door wether you like it or not!
Paingiver: Then DIE!

As the Graknor starts his minigun, Shadow jumps to the nearby cover escaping the volley of bullets and plasma by a few secondes. After 20 secondes the minigun stops shooting.


Shadow immediatly jump to the next cover shooting in the chest 2 time one of the guards leaving him fall on the ground. Then Shadow does that a couple of time everytime the minigun overheats until Shadow's left with only the Graknor to kill.

Paingiver: Thanks for getting rid of those clowns but your adventure stops here! Nothing get through my armor! Not even explosives can harm me!

He shoots again until his plasma minigun overheats to see, in the middles of the coolingdown process, Shadow jumping toward him with his blade aim for his head. So he blocks the blade with his hand, perforating it. Shocked by this, the Graknor atempt to do the same but stop right before he does it as Shadow strike him again near the heart. He look at Shadow's eyes that were glowing red.

Paingiver: He never mentionned... That... Y... O... U...

Before he have the time to finish, Shadow plundge both his blades into his neck to then rip off his head, rolling to the ground. Shadow lick of the blood on both of his blades while entering Zoknar's office.

Is the taste heavenly, Shadow?

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