Murder on my mind

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I seen him a couple of years ago, he came to me with loads of things going through his mind but one thing i saw the most was how anxious he was, like someone or something was hunting him. I'm not even sure if even him did know what it was. He was holding a weird medallion with a feather and a crown on it but what catched my eyes was how it was made. It was made of a weird material i've never seen before. A bloodish material with a keyhole. When i asked him what and where it was, he said i'm better off not knowing so i didn't asked more. It's then i realised that his eyes were more black than normal. He asked me if i knew a place called the wisdom stone. Of course i knew where it was so i told him and then i never saw him again.

Shadow: Did anyone else came to you after that?
Specimen: No.
Shadow: So why are you here?
???: Because i'm the patient 0.
Shadow: You mean you're the first to have been corrupted?
???: No. I'm the first to saw and met it.
Shadow: Who's "it"?
???: I wish i knew but they call it Z.
Shadow: Z? Why?
???: Do you think they told me why? no, they didn't.
Shadow: How are you alive in this state?
???: I don't know but i suppose it's what they call "the gift" that's keeping me alive.
Shadow: "Gift"?
???: Listen, i know you want anwsers but there's some things i can't myself understand.
Shadow: Ok, ok. Can i help you in anyway?
???: You can't help me, no one can. I wish i could finaly die from this living nightmare. Just leave this place.

Shadow leaves the room and continues down the hallway to find an intersection with 3 directions all mark with signs. Cells, archives and sector 2. Shadow goes to the archives but is emediatly met with a patrolling squad.

Guard 1: Jeez, those mindless soldiers give me the creep.
Guard 3: Did you hear the new seeker program they are doing?
Guard 1: No, what about it?
Guard 3: They are using the void crystals to boost their capacity.
Guard 2: Those are just rumors, nothing more.
Guard 3: I saw one of them in action.
Guard 2: You mean you sneaked in the testing labs. You want the council to terminate you?
Officer: SOLDIERS!

Behind them comes out what looks like to be the Officer who command the outpost.

Guards: SIR!
Officer: We have a situation here, someone finded its way inside the base. We got it undercontrol but there might be more so you 3 are going to investiguate the last position of delta 6. We lost contact with them when they were loading the trucks.
Guard 2: Just us 3, sir?
Guard 2: YES, SIR!
Shadow: [Thinks] I need to follow that officer.

Shadow follows the officer while avoiding unwanted attention but loses sight of him. Shadow looks around to notice a slightly open door with smoke coming from inside so Shadow looks inside to see the officer smoking a cigar at his desk, his back turn toward Shadow. As Shadow opens the door, the door starts to creak making the officer to turn around so Shadow closes the door and locks it.

Officer: You made a big mistake coming here...
Shadow: Did i because i feel like you're the one in trouble.
Officer: Make any sudden move and i start the alarm.
Shadow: You would of started it a long time ago.

Shadow approach the officer knowing he is bluffing. The officer take out his heavy handgun but Shadow disarms him and grabs him by the collar of his uniform.

Shadow: Now, i want anwsers and you are going to give them to me.
Officer: I ain't telling you shit! Plus, we got one of your friends hostage!
Shadow: You think that's gonna stop me? Think again!

Shadow throws the officer toward the desk making him roll over it before falling on the other side of the desk with a thud. Shadow flips the desk on the officer making him pin to the ground.

Officer: [Grunt] Who the fuck you think you are!
Shadow: I'm Shadow, you know, the one that was supposed to be captured and sent here.
Officer: Shadow?! Wait until i...

Shadow leans on the desk making it heavier on the officer whos legs are getting crush.

Officer: [Starting to feel the pain] AAAH! My... Legs!
Shadow: Where is Slate!
Officer: Slate? Who the fuck is... AAAAH!
Shadow: I said where is Slate!
Officer: Ask Zero!
Shadow: Where's Zero then?
Officer: Even if i knew i wouldn't...

Shadow lifts the officer from under the desk and throws him onto a painting which falls down to reveal a safe.

Shadow: You really want me to hurt you bad, don't you?
Officer: [In pain] I'm going to be dead anyway...
Shadow: You're right but you still have the choice to die slowly or quickly. Now, about Zero.
Officer: He's roams around the prison!
Shadow: Good boy... Next question, Who did you captured?
Officer: A weird dragonoid but it's already too late.

Shadow grabs the officer and slightly cut him on the chest.

Shadow: You know what i like the most in a fighting prey? It's how fun it is to torture them until their last breath.

Shadow starts to slightly shove his claws in the officer cut making him feel a lot of pain.

Shadow: Do you know true pain?
Officer: [Painned breathing] J... Just... Tell me... 
Shadow: I'm done asking questions, now i'll have some fun torturing you.

Shadow spent exactly 17 minutes 42 secondes torturing him before he dies from it. At the end, the officer was hanging upside down from the celling with his chest open, gauged eyes and a missing heart. As Shadow turn around to leave the room, a sadistic smile is seen as he thinks about his next target, Zero.

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