The Great Rupture

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The dark hallways seem infinite until they see light near a sealed door slightly open.
Noxe take out a knife with some kind of electrical circuits. He shove it into the panel next to the sealed door and press a button on the handle of the knife and the door starts opening before a loud metal grinding noise starts.

Noxe: Shit! The door must of been damaged. if i had something to pry it open...
Shadow: Maybe...

Shadow starts to force open the door with his paws but the door doesnt budge.
Then suddenly Shadow start remembering a flashback.

???: We need to go that way! Its the only way out!
???: But the door is stuck and its made with reinforced Tolgar which, in case you forgot, cant be broken down with guns nor explosives.
Shadow: I could dealt with that if you let me out.
???: No way! You're gonna kill us!
Shadow: You'll die from the escaped ones anyway so why not try your luck with me?
???: He's right... either ways we die if we dont get this door open.
???: And how is he suppoesed to do that?
Shadow: Free me and you'll know and see how.
???: Alright' i'll free you.
???: Julia?!
Julia: Just promise me you wont kill us.

Shadow smirk and nod and Julia free Shadow from his cell. Shadow exit the cell, look at both of them and goes to the door. Small black inky roots starts spreading on Shadow's body as he gather all his energy then starts forcing open the door with all his strengh.

Shadow: Here as promised now go before i change my mind.
Julia: I wont forget it. Lets go before something else get in the way.

Then everything come back to normal.

Noxe: well we got to find another way to force it open i guess.

Shadow try again to force open the door but this time he focus all his energy and...
The door slides open slowly but Shadow begins to breath slightly faster in exhaustion.

Noxe: I see you remember how to do that, huh?
Shadow: y-yes...
Noxe: You good?

Shadow regain his composure and start walking through the door.

Shadow: Im of no importance. Lets focus on Notrix.

So they venture deeper in the room and finaly find a lighted room with a huge glass tube with a black crystal surrounded by dark purple flux of energy. Infront of the machines was Notrix who slowly look at them with a smile on his face.

Notrix: So you've found me again "Shadow" and i see you are accompanied by the traitor. Good! You've came at the right time for me to show you the true power of the void.

Shadow, in rage, starts breaking the reinforced window which begin to weaken. Notrix starts pushing button which starts the machines.

Warning! Starting sequence activated! Void energy booting up!

Notrix: The process is started and nothing will stop it! AHAHAH!

Shadow continues to smash the window and Noxe runs to the lower floor as fast as he can.

Warning! Void energy at 37%!

Notrix: You pathetic efforts are in vain. In a moment, i will be able to control the void itself and you will be just nothing more than the past.

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