No entry

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After a couple of minutes Shadow end up in a huge opening with loads of neon sign of all sorts. A bar there, a casino there and some shops of all sorts everywhere else but one thing stood out, The Dread Halls. Groups of all races where gather in a straight line waiting to enter with 2 bodyguard watching them as a tall but skinnish sergal decide if they can go in or not. Shadow wasnt really into waiting to get in but he didnt have the choice so he waited until his turn.

Lister: Name.
Stranger: Sokras.
Lister: I dont see your name.
Stranger: Huh? But i made a reservation yesterday!
Lister: Well your name aint here so no entry.
Stranger: That outrageous there must an error somewhere i-
Lister: Look here, buddy! I decide who enter and who doesnt so if you aint happy you can deal with my 2 friendos here.

One of the bodyguards crack his knucles while the other look at the stranger intimidatingly. The stranger immediatly pardon himself and go away fast.

Lister: NEXT!
Shadow: Name's Shadow.
Lister: Not on the list and you dont look friendly so no entry!
Shadow: Do i look like i need to be on the list?
Lister: *laugh* You look mostly like a newcomer who dont know his place!
Shadow: *smile menacingly* I killed thugs worst than you and in multiple ways that even the most sadistic persons wouldnt dare to think of, so dont try your luck to much ok.
Lister: We are 3 here and there's more inside. Do you really want to die that much but imma tell you i like your style. Still, im not letting you in. Now move away, we got other customer to serve!

Shadow was not happy with the result he got and decide to look around for another way to enter. On his way, an unaware stranger rush toward Shadow and bumped into Shadow. Shadow at the stranger who didnt stop to excuse himself and realise that he took some of his money. Shadow rush at the stranger leading him to a back alleyway.

Stranger: Ok ok! You won, i surender. *smirk*
Shadow: You give up that easily? I get the feeling that's not my money you were after?
Stranger: Hehe. What gave it away?
Shadow: Dunno, maybe the fact that you came to a dead end alleyway as like you where waiting to lead me here.
Stranger: Clever and dangerous. Here your money i stole from you plus a little bonus.
Shadow: Who are you exactly?
Don: The name's Don but everyone calls me lucky Don.
Shadow: Don is enough for me. Why did you lead me here since this isnt an ambush.
Don: Well i heard there was a newcomer that want Zoknar dead and i thought you could be that newcomer. Am i right?
Shadow: Yes. You know anything that could help me i guess?
Don: I do! In fact there an entry point here. You see the chute behind me? well it goes straight into the -1 floor. From you should be able to go past the majority of the guard and have access to the back area. Then if it still there you should find a small opening in a wall leading to the -2 floor. After that you can kill Zoknar by surprise.
Shadow: Can i ask where you know all that and telling me it for free?
Don: You heard of the bounty hunter who got killed and use as an example? Well, i worked with him and now all i want is to see him dead so i can make him an example. The problem is, he's expecting me to try so thats where YOU come in.
Shadow: i see, killing him would do you a favor. Anything more to tell me?
Don: Yes, my friend aint got killed or atleast aint the made as an example. I know that because he has no tattoo on his neck which mean is held oustage or, and i hope for you its not the case, he faked his death and join them or whatever.
Shadow: I'll see what i can do but he's not my priority got it.
Don: Whatever you do kill Zoknar atleast.

And with that, Shadow proceed to enter the chute to kill Zoknar and do something about Don's friend. Maybe...

The chute wasnt that gross since it was out of use but the landing was hard. After Shadow landed he found himself in what look like a closed part of the -1 floor with a locked reinforced door with a keypad. Shadow decided to look arround for another way in since he didnt know how to hack a keypad. He then saw a crack in a wall and decided to break it open. Luckly there was some contruction materials on the ground. Concrete blocks, barbed wires and lead pipes. Shadow took a lead pipe to shove it into the crack and use it as a lever to break the wall. Shadow used all his abnormal inner force to slightly break it. The wall was fragilised but the lead pipe bended enough to be useless. The small hole wasnt big enough for Shadow to pass through but sudenly he hear a voice and the door getting unlocked.

Guard: Why the hell do i hear noise in there.

Shadow immediatly prepared himself for a fight until the guard open the door and doesnt react to Shadow being in the room.

Guard: Hello! anybody in here? hello... Ugh! Why do i always have to guard this damn place.

Shadow was really on how he didnt seem to not even know Shadow was there and decided to take the opportunity to take down the guard easily.

Guard: WHA-

And with one swift move of his blade, the guard lays dead on the ground with a shock look on his face. Shadow proceed to exit the room and enters a corridor fully lit. Shadow walk to a corner to see 2 guards watching a door at the end of the corridor. There was noway for him to take them down both without raising the alarm.
Shadow was think about how he could manage to go through that door unnoticed and became to wish the light were out when sudenly his paws began to act weird. A weird faint dark red smoke began to form arround his paws and sudenly the lights started to flicker arround him. Shadow was suprised by what was happenning and clueless of what that meant until he decide to raise his paw toward the light above him which made the light burn out. At that point Shadow understood that he could maybe burn out the other lights somehow so he pointed his paw toward another light near him but the light didnt burn out. Shadow didnt understand why it didnt work and retryed it while focusing on it.


All the lights in the corridor bursted into tons of small glass shards.

Guard 2: DAMN ELECTRICIANS! A fuse most of burned up.
Guard 1: Let check that out. I cant see a thing here!

Shadow advance through the door and was able to see clearly in the dark. Maybe another unnatural talent he has perhaps...

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