Special Episode 1 - Ryan's POV

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Ryan had been suffering from a migraine for several days. Other times he would have enjoyed the headache, but this one had nothing to do with his mate. He had no appetite, he was constantly tired, and just as he went to bed with a headache, he also woke up with it. He was going crazy.

Fortunately, his parents were understanding of his suffering. After two days of being completely unable to concentrate at school, they left him at home to recover. After all, the loud school was twice as loud to the wolf as it was to ordinary people, and while the bell was annoying to them, it pierced his eardrums.

Ryan tried to hold on as he didn't want to miss a lot of class, especially as the end of the year approached. His friends would give him notes, but he preferred to learn while listening, so he would have twice as much work to do at home. He took education seriously, although he had no idea what he would do after school. Somehow, he knew that the decision was not up to him alone.

With every look through his mate's eyes, he was more and more certain that they were close in age. And not only that. Ryan decided to take every piece of information about his mate dead serious. Whatever they seemed to like, Ryan had to try it too. Maybe that's why he now had an unhealthy obsession with fantasy series and drank more coffee than necessary, although he switched to decaffeinated one a long time ago.

With pain shooting through his skull and clouding his mind, he struggled to find anything to do other than sleep. He could not concentrate on the TV or the laptop, the letters in the book were blurring in front of his eyes and the more he concentrated, the more his head but also his eyes hurt.

He had no choice but to lie down. And every time he lay down, he thought about them. About the other half of his soul. He always tried to control his thinking so that it wouldn't go too far, but sometimes a thought or two escaped him.

He imagined eyes that would look at him with love. Maybe blue, maybe brown. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined a different colour, a different shape. The only thing that didn't change was the warm feeling that emanated from them.

Maybe he was too romantic, but he always believed that his mate would be the love of his life. The one who would follow him to the end of the world therefore he had no doubt that they would meet one day. Ryan was counting down the days until he would finally have them in his arms. 

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