Chapter 84 - A Little Better Again

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Awkward was an understatement.

Everyone was probably expecting things not to go smoothly after months of avoiding each other and splitting into groups, but the reality was a bit worse.

No one knew what to start talking about and everyone sort of intuited that there were topics that would be better avoided. No one commented on Evan's new relationship, no one commented on Kieran's hickey, and everyone tried not to look at the two of them as if they were going to ruin their fragile friendship that had barely begun anew with one look.

Aiden looked like he'd rather be anywhere than here. Evan remembered precisely that one awkward lunch when he'd sat at the table with him and the girls and he was afraid that whatever he said, Aiden would find a way to make him feel guilty. And so he preferred to keep his mouth shut.

Angie obviously also suspected that something like this might happen, as she pierced Aiden with her gaze, and he kept eye contact with her as if on purpose.

The only one who kind of looked relaxed was Lola.

"I adore you all, but if you don't start talking, I'll make new friends." She too, however, had only one set of nerves, and she decided not to let them get ruined.

"No need for new friends," Kieran replied immediately. After all, this whole meeting had been his idea. "We can start small. Who's got anything new to share?"

Evan knew exactly what to answer but of course, he wouldn't dare. It wouldn't be a good idea, especially if Aiden (and maybe Josh) latched onto it right away and turned it against him.

"I desperately want to draw attention to myself and tell you something shocking, but I don't have anything," Angie admitted, and her plan sort of worked as all pairs of eyes turned on her.

"Me neither," Josh joined in, looking bored, and even though he had his phone in his hand, it looked like he was trying to pay attention to his friends and this attempt, whatever it was.

"No date with Clara?" Angie asked and he rolled his eyes in response.

"No date with Clara," he repeated her question, but this time as a statement.

"Shame," the brunette said, and silence reigned again.

Josh then lowered his head back to his phone for a moment and unlocked it, but suddenly changed his mind. "What about you, Evan?"

All eyes shifted to Evan.

He cleared his throat and opened his mouth, at first blankly, wondering what to say. He didn't want the first thing Kieran would hear from him to be that he was in a new relationship, so he decided to improvise. "I've been thinking I want to learn how to drive, but Michael doesn't want to teach me."

"Who's Michael?" Josh looked confused, and Evan only now realized that he'd never mentioned the Saunders family in front of him and Kieran.

"Their friend from North Hallson," Lola and Aiden answered at the same time, each in a different tone.

"You have friends in North Hallson?" This time Kieran joined the conversation and seemed genuinely intrigued by the information.

"Two friends," Evan answered immediately before Angie could do so, holding up two fingers to amplify his words.

"They're really cool," Lola asserted. "Although I don't know how long Michael will stick with them with their comments on his mom." She laughed, and a chuckle escaped Evan's lips as well.

"I'm telling you, if you knew her, you'd have a crush on her too," Angie stated in a serious tone, raising her hands in the air in a gesture that no one should blame her.

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