Chapter 96 - Show Me Your Fur - Part 1

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Rory's bus was running late.

Everyone was impatient, so they met at the bus stop ten minutes earlier than planned, and that made their wait longer than expected. No one complained though, and they passed the time talking about nothing.

Lost in conversation, they almost didn't notice the bus approaching, but in the end, it was Ryan who stood up first, interrupting the conversation, and immediately everyone was lining up to see their friend.

Rory was obviously just as impatient as they were, for he was standing by the door and the moment the bus stopped, he ran towards them with a travel bag slung over his shoulder.

Nobody was really surprised when the first person Rory put his arms around was Ryan. The ink-haired boy hugged him back, laughing, and Evan watched them with a smile on his lips, surprised that his wolf hadn't decided to protest.

"Okay, okay, now it's my turn." Surprisingly, it was Josh who interrupted them, and Rory hugged each of them (Even Michael didn't avoid it, although his hug lasted the shortest), leaving Evan for last.

It wasn't until Evan had his arms around him that he realised how much he really missed his friend. Rory was the first person he told his secret to and accepted him for who he was, so he would always have a special place in his heart.

"Hi, future soulmate," Rory greeted him in a whisper so only he could hear him, and Evan immediately understood what he was getting at. Not even all these days had convinced him of the opposite, and his best friend was still convinced that he wanted to strengthen their bond. It looked as if Evan was going to give part of his soul after all.

"Hi. I missed you," he replied in the same volume, though it was no secret.

Rory giggled and pulled away from him, getting a view of all his friends present, causing a bright smile to linger on his face.

"I hope you're ready for the best weekend of your life," Josh informed him, unable to hide the excitement in his voice. Even Michael looked remarkably relaxed and in a better mood than usual. He obviously couldn't help himself when he was surrounded by so much happiness.

"I can't wait," he replied, his smile betraying the sincerity of his words.

Surprisingly, Michael didn't protest as they all piled into his car, even quickly resolving their dispute over who would sit in the front by explaining that they were going to Josh's house so he should give him directions. Josh, of course, was more than happy that he didn't have to squeeze in the back, and he didn't wipe that provocative smile off his face.

The drive to his place took only a few minutes, so their ordeal did not last long. Josh's parents were away for the weekend, so they had the whole house to themselves. So they put Rory's things in Josh's room first and then gathered around the kitchen table as the host had promised them refreshments.

They all ended up with a glass of cola in hand and two packets of crisps and decided to sit in the garden together, as it was still relatively warm outside and they had nothing better to do.

"OK, we've waited long enough. What's new, Ro?" Evan asked, sitting next to him of course, although they were all more or less in a semicircle so they could see each other.

"Don't even ask," Rory sighed, his smile fading slightly. "I don't even know where to begin. I swear Alex is driving me crazy."

"I thought you liked him," Kieran noted.

"Oh, right." Rory obviously realised that now he could say more than he had done before, so he didn't hesitate to explain. "Alexander is a warlock, and apparently I'm his soulmate. That's why I liked him."

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