Chapter 57 - Marshmallow

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All the progress he had made suddenly seemed to disappear. He had never wanted to skip school as badly as he did now, but he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble with his parents. And so, he had no choice but to endure another horrible day at school, counting down the days until winter break.

Fortunately, after the break experience, Angie decided not to leave his side and accompanied him to every class they didn't have together. Plus, Evan walked around with his head down all day, not because he was trying to avoid being stared at, but because he was betting on his wolf sense of smell to make sure none of his friends were around.

He didn't have much left. All he had to do was survive the last two classes, and he could finally go home. Then he could curl up in bed and sleep. Being Friday, his plan was simple. He planned to sleep through the weekend and hope that things would look better again on Monday.

"Hey, Angie! Wait!" He couldn't believe that he was once again so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't realize that one of the people he had planned to avoid was approaching.

Angie stopped, making him stop as well, and while she turned and fixed her gaze on their pink-haired friend, Evan was left staring at an indeterminate point, his back to the hallway, from where he heard quick footsteps.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Lola stated, panting. She had obviously been looking for Angie for a long time, running through the halls until she found her.

"Oh, I-" Angie turned to Evan, looking at him worriedly before turning her head to the girl on her left. Lola looked like she needed something from her, but Evan needed her in general, so she was faced with a dilemma.

It was a small thing, but Evan's mood dropped even more. He didn't know why he took it so seriously, but the fact that his best friend had to choose between friends because of him was killing him.

"I just wanted to tell you about my introduction to Aaron's parents. You too, E. We can go sit in the rest area." Evan raised his head in surprise and finally looked at her. She didn't look at him differently than before he messed everything up, and he was confused.

His little pack hardly ever met in the rest area. They were always in the garden on the benches, regardless of the weather, and when it was too cold, they found an empty classroom or just sat down somewhere against the wall in the hallway.

"You sure?" Evan asked. He was sure she must have heard about the morning's fiasco and was surprised she hadn't commented on it. Maybe she was just waiting for them to be alone and then to chew him out.

She suddenly looked guilty and her whole face changed.

"I know I haven't been the nicest to you these past few days. I'm really sorry, E. It was stupid of me. You and Kieran are both my friends, and I shouldn't have taken sides with either of you. Or rather I should have both of your sides," she blurted out in one breath.

"That's-" Evan suddenly couldn't find the words. He hadn't expected her to say something like that, especially after both she and Aiden had distanced themselves from him.

Fortunately, he didn't have to think long as Lola overtook him: "Seriously, E. I'm really, really sorry. I believe you had your reasons and just because I'm your friend doesn't automatically mean I have to know them."

As soon as she finished, Evan did the only thing that was appropriate at the moment. He pulled her to him and hugged her.

"Thanks," he breathed into her shoulder. She tightened their embrace in response.

"Can I join? Or is it an exclusive hug?" Angie reminded them of her presence with a laugh. Evan and Lola automatically made room for her and pulled her into a group hug.

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