Chapter 63 - New Year's Eve - Part 2

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Evan had to admit that it wasn't as bad as he had assumed. There was only an hour left until midnight, but he didn't feel like going home, and maybe, just maybe, he was having a good time. The moment they arrived at the place, they joined Michael, who was also there with his family, and Evan even exchanged a few words with his mom, who was surprisingly happy to see him. Not that he thought he'd made a bad impression on her, but it wasn't often that Evan got along with an adult. And maybe that was true only in the case of his family.

Speaking of family, after a few glasses of champagne, his mom was more relaxed than ever and was currently laughing loudly with the other she-wolves in their pack, paying no attention to Evan. In fact, he hadn't heard a bad remark from her all evening.

Everything was great, almost perfect, but the perfect part was to be fulfilled only in a few hours.

"Stop frowning, dude." From Angie's tone, she too had a chance to taste the champagne and not just a little. Also, she called him dude, which she never did.

"I didn't frown until I saw you," he remarked, letting his friend lean on his side. He was surprised that she hadn't hurt herself in those heels, judging by the way she was swaying just now.

"That's mean." And suddenly it was she who was frowning.

Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes, Evan instead turned his whole body towards her so he could take her hands. "Come dance."

She immediately lit up like a disco ball and a wide smile broke through a grimace. She had been complaining to him all night that they weren't dancing, and it was supposed to be a party, but Evan didn't feel like dancing in front of all these people. That is, until now.

As he mentioned, there was an hour left until midnight and he decided to spend it dancing with his best friend. There was no better option. In addition, someone finally pulled Nelson away from the speaker, so they no longer played songs that, according to Evan, should have been long forgotten in the last century. The man was a great beta, but his musical taste was lacking.

"I have a surprise for you!" Angie yelled in his ear a little louder than necessary. She was grinning widely, and when Evan spun her around, her smile turned into a giggle.

"Oh, what could it be?" Evan's tone was somewhere between amused and sarcastic, as he had no doubt that whatever his best friend had in mind was just some nonsense that just popped into her mind.

"You're gonna love it." She stopped suddenly and almost rammed into Evan, but at the last moment, she blocked her hands against his chest. From the perspective of the passersby, it might look like she did it on purpose, but Evan saw her wobble as she did so.

"Come." She grabbed his hand and started pulling him as if he was trying to break free from her grip, but he didn't protest at all and let himself be pulled in an indeterminate direction.

Her steps were brisk, so she obviously had a clear goal in mind, but she still didn't share it out loud.

She only stopped for a small moment to look around and when her eyes landed on a black-haired boy in the corner of the room, she immediately strode towards him, dragging Evan behind her. Without saying a word, she grabbed the surprised Michael with her other hand and started pulling him. His dark eyes immediately searched Evan's, but he just shrugged, having no idea what was going on either.

"Is she drunk?" Michael turned to him again.

"A little," Evan admitted. At his words, Angie turned her head in their direction to glare at the both of them, causing her to not look where she was going and sway again. Fortunately, she was immediately caught by four pairs of hands.

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