Chapter 59 - Holidays

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The last week of school flew by before Evan could recover. He didn't know if it was the coming holiday atmosphere or if he should just call it a Christmas miracle, but Kieran, Josh, and Aiden had left him alone all week, and he could finally spend some stress-free time at school.

He spent the afternoon after school shopping for last-minute gifts, and although he didn't plan on spending a lot of money, he decided to buy a little something for Michael and Ryan as well. He had planned to give Ryan his present on Friday night when he got on the bus, and this time, it was Evan who was going to see him off.

After buying him a present on Tuesday, he spent every spare minute panicking about whether he did the right thing and whether it would be embarrassing, but it was too late since he had bought it and to calm his nerves, he wrapped it in decorative paper, and it would be a pity to tear it up.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to buy him a mug with a dinosaur and the inscription "You make my heart SAUR." Too late to return it now.

Plus, Ryan texted him one random night that he had something for him too, and after Evan made sure he didn't spend too much money on him, he agreed to exchange gifts and open them individually on Saturday. Evan wouldn't have been able to see Ryan's expression after seeing the gift from him, so for the first time he was glad to be several miles away from him.

He was beginning to worry that by the time he got to the bus stop, the paper the mug was wrapped in would be more wrinkled than his homely clothes, which he thought were unnecessary to iron.

His hands were sweating, and his breathing was rapid, as evidenced by the puffs of cold air escaping from his nose and mouth. He had no idea why he was making a big deal out of it, but somehow, he felt it was the next step in their non-existent relationship. It was a pretty stupid idea since he was dating someone else a month ago, but Evan couldn't help but slowly but surely start to change his mindset about Ryan.

Kieran still had a place in his heart, and sometimes he woke up at night thinking he should have done things differently, but he no longer ached every look at him when he failed to avoid him. Seeing him but not being able to talk to him was quite difficult, but Evan had to admit that it was helping him gradually overcome his feelings for him. However, even though his love for him was no longer that strong, Evan still missed him in his life and his other two friends, too.

But he wasn't going to make the first move, because his first move actually ruined everything and now it was someone else's turn to fix it. Evan, being the optimist he always was, hoped that his situation with his friends would improve on its own when the new year rolled around.

Until then, he was in his safe place, which ironically was North Hallson, from where he had been trying to escape all his life. He knew in his heart that Ryan was to blame, but he wasn't going to admit it out loud just yet and let the mug do the work.

Speaking of the mug, he really hoped that Ryan wouldn't accidentally break it on the way, but he didn't want to tell him what he bought him, so he had to hope that he would automatically be careful with it. Knowing Ryan, he definitely would be.

He was always so gentle, even when he was picking on him and even when he was a wolf. With that thought, a memory flashed through Evan's mind, and he blushed. Seeing Ryan in his wolf form felt surreal. And smelling his scent, which was even stronger like this, made him think unspeakable things. He still couldn't get out of his mind how he felt when Ryan's wolf nibbled on his ear, or when he rubbed his neck against his. It was such an intimate moment, especially when they left each other's scent on each other, which in the wolf world meant only one thing. No one could deny that they cared about each other and that they were close. Angie and Michael automatically sensed that something special was happening and gave them space without commenting on their rapprochement. Evan still didn't know if Ryan had said anything to his cousin, but he doubted it, knowing Michael, he would have told him if he knew Evan was Ryan's mate. At the very least, he would scold him for his statement that mates are stupid and unnecessary. Something that Evan didn't think for a long time now and that's only thanks to Ryan.

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