Chapter 53 - The Call

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The first of his friends who decided to give him a chance was none other than Rory. It was just Sunday when he called, and when Evan saw his name on his phone screen, he was excited. Rory was the only one to whom he could explain the whole situation, that is if he gave him a chance.

"Hey, Ro," he greeted, trying not to sound too enthusiastic. He didn't want to get his hopes up ahead of time when he didn't know if Rory would give him a chance. Moreover, Evan had no idea if anyone had told him what had happened. Their group chat had been empty for the second week, but he had no doubt that they were communicating with each other differently.

"Hey E," his voice sounded normal, which made Evan nervous. He didn't know if he should prepare for the fact that he would have to defend himself right away, or if Rory was just calling him normally. Maybe he even had another supernatural problem.

"Why are you calling?" He decided to get straight to the point before his thoughts started eating away at him. His friend on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, then sighed, and Evan immediately understood that this was no ordinary phone call.

"I heard about you and Kieran," he began, but his intonation suggested he wasn't done yet, "I also heard that you didn't explain to anyone. I kind of thought you might for me." So Rory thought it was a supernatural problem and he was right.

"Are you at home?" Evan asked him instead of answering. He had to make sure no one overheard their conversation. Although no one in Walley Lane knew him, it was still a risk.

"Yeah?" Rory was clearly taken aback.

"Alone?" he asked another question. Evan himself was just now alone at home, as his parents were with some of their friends, so he didn't have to worry that he would overhear their phone call.

"Yeah, I'm alone," he confirmed. It looked like nothing was stopping Evan from confiding in him. So he took a deep breath, curled up comfortably in the blanket, and for the first time, began to explain the whole situation to someone who was not directly involved in it.

"I broke up with Kieran," he said, although Rory already knew that. "I couldn't be with him any longer, and in fact, I shouldn't have gotten together with him at all."

"Why?" Rory immediately cut him off as if he was afraid that Evan was going to leave that detail out. Not that it was just a detail.

"It's complicated," Evan sighed. "Werewolves and dating don't go together. Most werewolves find one partner for life when they're still teenagers." He was a perfect example of that.

"I've been reading something online," Rory admitted after a moment of silence. Evan's face turned into a grimace, imagining what his friend could find on the internet. He also once tried to find some information in the same way, and most of the things he found were short stories from humans that were full of perversions.

"I don't know if I want to know what you found," he stated, hoping that his friend wouldn't pull any questions about sex in wolf form on him.

Rory cleared his throat, and from the awkward silence that followed, Evan figured he was right about what his friend had probably figured out.

"I didn't want to question you, but honestly I should have. I've never seen so much written porn." His answer made Evan laugh, and Rory immediately joined in.

"There's one thing I'm curious about though," Rory was the one who decided to continue the conversation first, "and I wanted to know if there was any truth to it." He then paused, waiting for Evan's reaction.

"You can ask me anything, Rory," Evan assured him before adding, "You already know my biggest secret." It was true. Whatever else Evan could tell him didn't even make up for the fact that he wasn't really human.

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