Chapter 62 - New Year's Eve - Part 1

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One more day.

Just one more day, and he will finally see him again.

Evan could hardly wait.

He didn't care about anything else, so he didn't even mind that he was supposed to spend New Year's Eve with his parents at the Rock Pop Diner. Angie was supposed to be there too, and after he finally exchanged numbers with Michael, he found out with one short message that he was too. It didn't sound like an unbearable evening, but Evan knew it would be endless for him as he was only a few hours away from seeing his mate again.

He had exactly half an hour before he and Angie were to leave the house. Their parents were already in the diner, as they were officially giving space to the youth to have fun together. Angie immediately took this as an opportunity to dress up. Although it was a party with their parents, they planned to disappear at midnight to watch the fireworks together, so she decided to treat it as a stylish New Year's Eve party as if they were somewhere in the big city.

That's why she was wearing a sequined jumpsuit with loose sleeves and a tie at the waist. It was the colour of silver and so perfectly complemented her dark hair, which was pinned on the sides of her head with two glittering bobby pins, so that it flowed down her back like a veil.

Evan wasn't planning on trying too hard when it came to clothes. He couldn't afford anything extra in the presence of his parents. But Angie was convinced that they had to match. And so he ended up wearing black jeans, a grey crew neck long-sleeved t-shirt, and a leather blazer. She even convinced him to wear the bracelet he got from Ryan, telling him that his parents wouldn't notice anyway if he covered it with his sleeve.

"I hope you've got your New Year's resolution ready," Angie said as she adjusted her earrings. Apparently, it hurt her ears, but her outfit was incomplete without them.

"I thought we don't do those since we were like 12," he countered immediately. Their last resolution was to become more involved in pack affairs and make more friends with their North Hallson peers, and they both knew how that turned out.

"We didn't have the right priorities then," was her argument. Evan reacted as usual, rolling his eyes at her words.

"So you got yours?" he asked her, mainly to kill more time. She finally stopped adjusting her earring by the mirror Evan had subtly borrowed from his mom and turned in his direction.

"Of course, I do. Finding my mate. Yours turned out to be a great guy, so I have high hopes," she stated. However, the look on her face suggested that she was not done with the topic yet.

Evan moved to make room for her on the bed, and Angie immediately took advantage of that. Then she folded her legs under her so she could sit better and turned to her best friend. She still looked serious and for a moment, despite all the sequins she was wearing, she didn't look like she was just trying to have fun. Her gaze was almost vulnerable.

Evan automatically reached out and took her hands in his. He knew her well enough to know that there was a battle going on inside her, and she was wondering if the time was right to confide in him.

"If there's one thing I've learned, and we both know it's also because of you, it's that our mates are our perfect match," he encouraged her with his words. Her look quickly changed to a knowing one, and Evan rolled his eyes. They were both thinking about the same thing - about their argument, which seemed pointless now, but at the time had caused them not to speak to each other for quite some time.

"Okay, I have to say it. I told you so." She was grinning widely, and even though her words were somewhat of an insult to Evan's judgment, a smile appeared on his face as well.

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