Chapter 39 - He's Everywhere

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After realizing he needed something from his parents, Evan decided to play by their rules again for a while. And that's how he found himself at the next pack meeting. And then another and another. Of course, whenever Ryan saw him there, he automatically joined him. And where Ryan was, there was Michael. At first, they both pretended that nothing happened, but apparently, they didn't succeed as Ryan decided to intervene.

"Can we change this awkward atmosphere, please?" However, neither of them wanted to start a conversation on this topic first, so he had to intervene again.

"Should I call you like a teacher?" he asked sarcastically, giving the two boys at his side a look that indicated he was waiting for a response.

"I'm not gonna apologize. I still stand by what I said," Michael began first.

"But?" Ryan, however, was undaunted. Michael was obviously aware of this as well, and it didn't take long for him to give in and do what his cousin wanted him to do.

"I didn't mean to upset you, and I'm sorry if it sounded like I said it because of that." Right then, chocolate eyes turned to him, expecting a reaction. And since Michael's words sounded surprisingly sincere, Evan decided to cooperate.

"I know I needed to hear that, I just didn't expect it. I take your advice to heart, but I don't want to talk about it anymore." After Evan's words, Ryan finally looked satisfied and the atmosphere between the three of them really improved. So much so that the very next day, Michael, and Ryan came to wait for the bus stop in the afternoon. Angie's eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw them.

"How's it going, Pachycephalosaurus?" Evan's words were immediately addressed to Ryan, who was clearly more than thrilled with his brilliant plan to wait for him. However, after Evan's words, his smile disappeared for a moment, and he turned to his cousin, punching him in the shoulder. Apparently, he forgot about his dark secret, which Evan learned thanks to him.

"Did you really learn that word just so you could mock him?" He just shrugged at Michael's question. Remembering useless things was his hidden talent.

"Nice," Michael commented, earning another punch from his cousin. Angie looked confused but surprisingly didn't ask anything. However, Evan had no doubt that she would try to find out all the details the moment they were alone together.

"So not nice," Ryan decided to throw in his own opinion. Not that Evan took that into account, since when the same situation happened again two days later, he had another remark ready.

The moment he got off the bus and saw two familiar people at the bus stop, he blurted out: "What's up, Buzz Lightyear?" And if Ryan had looked annoyed at the dinosaur comment, he looked outraged now. Especially after Michael reached out to high-five him.

"I think I preferred it when you two didn't get along," Ryan mumbled. Evan flashed him his best smile and slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll keep my Yeehaw greeting to myself," Evan commented, and Ryan grunted. And as he promised, he did the next day, when on the way to the store he met the ink-haired boy again, but this time alone.

"If you say Yeehaw, I'm not talking to you," Ryan warned him with a raised finger before he could say anything. Evan laughed at his reaction and raised his hands in the air as a sign of peace.

He had to admit that he enjoyed provoking the boy in front of him, but at the same time, he had to constantly think about how it was possible that he kept bumping into him. Ever since he apologized to him, Evan felt like everywhere he looked, he was standing there in his full glory, and Evan couldn't take his eyes off of him. Maybe that's why he tried so hard to own the situation with his comments.

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