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Hello everyone! I have some good news and some bad news (especially for me).

I created a profile on Inkitt. In the end, I decided it was the best option as it was the most similar to Wattpad, so you can now find me on Wattpad, Tapas, and Inkitt.

I use the handle Deyady on both Tapas and Inkitt. While I post my stories on Tapas as I do on Wattpad, I've only added The Sight to Inkitt so far. At the same time, I would like to inform you that the version of The Sight on Inkitt will be slightly different. It will not affect the story, but the grammar and some mistakes (for example, Evan's mother has a different name in two chapters). You could say that the Inkitt version of The Sight will be the highest quality it has ever been.


If you decide to create a Tapas profile because of me, I have some recommendations for other great stories by other authors. Since you are reading my story, I assume we have the same interests, so I think you might like them. You should definitely read Through My Eyes by Zeevryn, Soft Touch by River and Wild Haven by Hmbanson. If you're looking for a funny novel, I'd also recommend Catnip by Sparkach, and if you like your stories in the real world rather than fantasy, you'll definitely love Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys by LauraSFox.


So far I have only decided to add The Sight to Inkitt as I am still learning how to use the platform. Also, it will take a while to get the whole novel posted here, so please bear with me.

I'm quite confused so far and honestly have no idea how to search for LGBT stories here. If you have any advice, please leave it here.

Also, if you have any recommendations, not just for me but for others, of good books by other authors on Inkitt, they are more than welcome.


Last but not least, Wattpad. I'm not planning on deleting The Sight myself. It's my baby and I'm not going to give it up without a fight. If it suddenly disappears, it will be a sign that it has not escaped its fate, and unfortunately, it will be gone forever. At least from Wattpad.

I'm very sad that it's only a matter of time, because it's not only my first serious novel that I've spent a lot of time on, it's also my most-read one. So I would like to ask you to take a look at my other books and see if they interest you, because I have a few more, and I am still working on them. I don't want all my readers to suddenly disappear from my profile along with The Sight.

As well as The Sight, I'm currently writing Prey of Fate, A Villain's Hero, and 5 Steps to Cheat the Cheater. On my profile you can also find the unfinished book Look At Me Now, which I had planned to finish later, but honestly it's not worth it anymore since I already know that it, like The Sight, won't meet Wattpad's new terms. If I ever finish it, you will find it on Tapas or Inkitt.

So let me introduce you to my other books.

Prey of Fate - This novel is my second werewolf book. The main couple is Colby and Tobias. Unlike The Sight, this is a more traditional book, as Colby is the Gamma of his pack and takes this role very seriously. At least until he meets Tobias. Tobias is a hunter. So the whole book offers a different perspective on the world of the hunters and shows that they too are supernatural beings. 

A Villain's Hero - My first hero x villain book. Rowan is a villain with the alias Revenger. Matteo is a hero with the alias Citadel. Citadel has been trying to catch Revenger for a year, unaware that they know each other in civilian life. They met in a bar and became fuck buddies. After a few weeks, Rowan realised that he had his nemesis in bed, but Matteo still doesn't know, which is rather ironic since he managed to fall in love with Rowan. 

I add a new chapter to this story every Friday.

5 Steps to Cheat the Cheater - This book is not on my profile yet, but I plan to add it next week. So in theory, if The Sight disappears, this book will "replace" it. This novel tells the story of Simon who discovers that his boyfriend of a year is cheating on him. Devastated by this discovery, he decides to get drunk, but in a bar he meets new friends who introduce him to the concept of "5 Steps to Cheat the Cheater". Simon's grief suddenly turns into a plan for revenge. 

Ideally, I would like to update this book every Thursday.

The Sight and Prey of Fate are harder for me to write, so I can't write more chapters at once in comparison to A Villain's Hero and 5 Steps to Cheat the Cheater. Maybe it's because these books are just at the beginning. I do not know.

I just don't want you to think I'm neglecting my werewolf books because I'm writing other books. As I have often promised, I definitely intend to finish The Sight, and the same goes for these three other books.

It may sound chaotic, but it's much easier for me to write several different books at once, because the moment I don't know what to do with one story, I move on to another and don't have to worry about stagnating in one place.

And that's my whole rant. Thank you for reading all the way through. 

One final note - I don't know when The Sight will be deleted, but if it's still around, I'll normally be adding more chapters here. 

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