Chapter 81 - The Car Ride

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"I can't believe we don't have to take the smelly bus," Angie declared the moment she got into Michael's Honda. She had been in a surprisingly good mood since she woke up this morning and realized that Michael was driving them to school today. Well, good was an understatement. She was glowing.

"You've said that a hundred times," Michael commented as he got behind the wheel. Angie was the first one in the car, as she decided to take the front passenger seat the moment, he unlocked the car. No one knew why she was in such a hurry when it was obvious that Ryan and Evan were going to want to sit together. Neither of her friends reminded her of that, though, not spoiling her joy.

"And I'll say it again because it's awesome," she replied without hesitation. "I could get used to it."

"Don't even think about it," Michael answered promptly, starting the car.

"I don't know what's bothering you about the bus," Evan joined the conversation. "You've never complained before."

"I've never had the chance to be driven to school by car before," was her instant reply.

"And you never will again," the driver declared.

"Rude." Though she frowned, the grimace on her face didn't last long, and she was immediately back to looking out the window enthusiastically as if she hadn't been down this road a million times.

"Can we put on some music?" Evan asked, noticing that Michael had the aux cord plugged in. Instead of answering, he handed him the cord. However, Evan quickly realized that playing music wouldn't be the best idea, since his phone was almost dead, and he had to save his remaining battery if he planned to use it at school.

"You can use mine," Ryan suggested immediately, plugging in his phone without waiting for a response. When he unlocked the screen, Evan was about to blush as he saw a picture of them together with the white ball of fur. Luckily, he controlled his expression, but a small smile appeared on his face anyway.

"Thanks." He took his phone from Ryan and opened the music app. He and his mate didn't have the same taste in music, but it wasn't that different. While Ryan mainly listened to older rock bands like the Foo Fighters or Oasis, Evan preferred more pop-punk bands. One thing they did agree on, however, was Paramore.

"Oh, I love this song," Angie declared as the first notes of the guitar rang out.

"Me too," Ryan admitted, and Evan smiled delightedly to himself.

"It's alright," Michael said, concentrating on driving.

"What music are you listening to?" Angie picked up the conversation right away.

"He likes Radiohead," Ryan answered for him when he didn't respond for a long time.

"Really?" Angie looked genuinely surprised. "What's your favourite song by them?"

"Fake Plastic Trees," he mumbled, not elaborating on his answer.

"What about your favourite singer?" Angie seemed intrigued by Michael's taste in music and decided to find out more.

"Gary Jules," Michael again answered curtly.

"I don't know who that is." She frowned. Michael didn't explain any further, though, just shrugged.

"If you've ever heard the song Mad World, you know who he is," Ryan informed her, and Angie's expression immediately changed.

"Oh, I know that. Wow, you have a really interesting taste," she declared, and when she saw Michael frown and give her a brief look with a raised eyebrow, she added, "I mean that in a good way." He just shook his head at her words and went back to driving.

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