Chapter 44 - Secrets Never Last Long - Part 2

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Rory looked taken aback by his suggestion for a moment but then nodded. "Okay." His voice still sounded strange, as if he still doubted whether it was true, or still hadn't woken up from his dream. Evan also had his own battle going on inside, so he wasn't helping.

Both were fully aware of the situation they were in, and neither of them wanted to address it directly. They circled each other, choosing their words carefully, and too often, there was a silence between them when they were both lost in their own thoughts.

Evan stood up first. Rory's surprised eyes looked up at him, but he followed suit without a word.

They stood next to each other just like in the morning, but this time, the silence between them was different. Evan tried to ignore it and unsurprisingly succeeded as he had to figure out where to take him so it wouldn't be weird and at the same time so no one else could see them. He didn't have many options, so the bathroom had to do.

He walked in and couldn't help but notice Rory's hesitation. But before he could address him, Rory took a few quick steps towards him and slammed the door behind him. Then he leaned his back against them, and his gaze shifted to Evan. Determination was clear in his eyes and this time it was Evan who hesitated.

"Can you..." he cleared his throat and continued "Can you turn around?"

Rory was surprised by his request and immediately asked, "Why?"

Evan felt a blush rise to his cheeks and with another clearing of his throat and looking away, he quickly replied, "I have to strip naked."

"Oh." Rory's cheeks matched his. In a second, he was turned, and his gaze was directed toward the door. Evan didn't hesitate for a second and started shedding his clothes. His fingers trembled slightly as he did this, but he tried to ignore it and speed up his shift even more.

He felt his own body pulling him to the ground in an attempt to touch the floor with his hands, and he didn't protest. He could feel his face lengthening, his body covering in fur, and his bones cracking. It wasn't anything he wasn't used to, but he couldn't let go of the thought of what it must have looked like for an ordinary human. He had no doubt that Rory was peeking at least a little and hoped it wouldn't freak him out unnecessarily.

His transformation was complete in a few seconds, and a wolf stood in his place. He could no longer address Rory verbally, so he decided to communicate the way he was used to in this form. With his snout.

Rory froze for a moment when he felt a cold touch on his palm. It looked like he was convincing himself that he was going to be fine, and then he finally turned his whole body to face Evan.

The shock was evident on his face. His eyes locked on the wolf in front of him, and Evan tried not to make even the slightest move, lest he accidentally startled him. However, this was obviously unnecessary as Rory's reaction was the complete opposite. He burst out laughing. Evan didn't understand what was going on, but the fact that his friend wasn't panicking at least reassured him a little.

Laughing so hard that tears formed in the corner of his eyes, Rory's hand came up to his mouth to partially cover it, and he slid his back across the surface of the door to the ground, so he was at the same height as Evan. He cautiously started to extend his hand towards the wolf in front of him as if he wanted to touch him, but at the last moment, he changed his mind, and his hand remained hanging in the air somewhere in the middle. Evan decided to take a risky step and rubbed himself against it.

"Shit," Rory blurted out. Evan took this as a sign to pull away, but to his surprise, Rory reached out with his other hand and buried it in the fur on his back. He then proceeded to scratch behind his ear, and Evan would take offense saying he's not a dog if it wasn't so good.

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