Chapter 51 - The Talk - Part 2

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"Thanks," he replied sincerely but didn't say out loud how much it meant to him. As much as he dreaded this conversation, he was starting to feel like a weight was being lifted off his shoulders. He was beginning to suspect that this was exactly how every conversation with Ryan went, and it wasn't a coincidence. What he didn't know was whether it was their bond or Ryan's personality that was to blame.

"I don't think you have anything to thank me for but okay." Fortunately, Ryan didn't argue or elaborate.

There was a sudden silence between them as if neither of them knew how to continue. Evan managed to explain the main thing, because of which they met, and now there was only one problem between them, which was actually not a problem at all.

Evan wasn't going to admit that he knew about the bond between them, and certainly not that he suspected Ryan knew about it too.

What was going through Ryan's head, he had no idea.

He decided to stay quiet and let Ryan handle the rest of the conversation. In the meantime, he decided to take a look at the nature around them, though his eyes always ended up returning to the raven-haired boy beside him. How could he not look at him?

Ryan was attractive at first glance, but that wasn't all. He always radiated an incredible comfort, and Evan was sure that anyone who looked at him must have felt that he was a safe person. He was the one you could turn to if you were lost or needed help with something and you weren't afraid, he would reject you or even hurt you.

"Do you like what you see?" Evan didn't expect that he would call him out like that.

Their eyes met like two magnets like so many times before and a blush flooded Evan's face. This time, however, he did not lower his head but continued to return his gaze.

"I do," Evan plucked up his courage and flirted back. They both knew the situation he was in and that finding someone was the last thing on his list right now. At least that's what Evan thought, and he immediately scolded himself for it. He was making the same mistake again when he didn't say something aloud, but he counted on the fact that everyone understood anyway.

"Hold on!" Evan cut him off before he could say anything. Ryan looked surprised, but at the same time there was amusement in his eyes, and he obediently waited as Evan told him.

"I don't want you to misunderstand," he blurted out, raising his hands in the air to emphasize his words. "I like you, but that's it for now. I just broke up and now is just not the right time." He bit his lip, waiting for Ryan's reaction. He had no idea why he was worried about it knowing he was sweet, but lately, he was finding that worry was better than expectation.

"I don't mind," Ryan stated with a small smile. "I know you need a friend more now, and I think we've been doing that pretty well, don't you think?" His expression was so sincere that Evan wanted to cry with relief.

"You're seriously too good for me," he said out loud, though it wasn't planned. But before he could feel embarrassed about that sentence, he told himself that it was true anyway.

"I'm sure we're good for each other," Ryan corrected him. His smile widened and he looked at Evan again the way he did before he messed everything up.

"You can think that, and I'll leave you alone, but we both know that's not true," Evan stated, but despite his words, a small smile appeared on his face.

The whole atmosphere around them changed. Evan finally felt like he could breathe freely, although he knew it would disappear the moment, he crossed the threshold of the school tomorrow. At least today he could feel that everything was fine, if only for a little while.

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