Chapter 46 - The Worst Pain

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The last class has arrived. As usual, it was math that Evan absolutely hated. Today, however, he couldn't bring himself to whine for an hour about how pointless it was. Of course, this did not go unnoticed, as Aiden turned to him about halfway through.

"What's wrong with you today?" he asked in a whisper. Evan shrugged and stared at the board so he wouldn't have to look at him. He knew his friends hadn't done anything wrong, and he was the one in the wrong, but he didn't want to pretend everything was fine when it wasn't. He trusted that they would learn about what he wanted to do from Kieran and not have to hear it from him. After all, he wanted Kieran to know about his decision first.

However, Aiden did not give up, and although he risked ending up in detention, he still did not turn back to the front.

"Nothing," he answered him without diverting his gaze. He moved his pen around the notebook, but he honestly had no idea what he was writing or if it made any sense. He probably had to get notes from someone after class, but that was the last thing on his mind right now.

"Bullshit." His friend obviously did not believe him in the slightest. Not that it surprised Evan.

"I'll tell you later," Evan promised in a whisper, finally looking the blond in the eyes. It was a lie, but only one of them knew about it.

Apparently, that was enough for Aiden as he turned back to the blackboard and started paying attention to the teacher's explanation again.

The rest of the hour passed quickly. Faster than Evan wished, so he ran out of time to mentally prepare and gather courage. Before he knew it, the sound of the bell cut through the class.

He slowly stood up from his seat, picked up his school supplies, and headed for the door. Of course, Aiden was right on his heels, though Evan chose to ignore him again. Together they came to the hallway where their lockers were, and both went their separate ways.

Evan put his things away, slammed the locker door, and allowed himself to rest his head on the metal material for a little while. His morning sickness was suddenly back, and he felt like throwing up at any moment.

"Are you sick?" a voice called out to him, which he immediately associated with his blond friend.

"I'm fine," he replied and promptly raised his head, straightening up. Aiden didn't seem convinced by his answer, though.

"Shall I walk you to the bus?" he asked him, his voice sounding worried. A grimace played on his face, and he even reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. Evan's eyes followed this movement, and he ducked in time. He couldn't afford to be comforted by his friend. Not when he was about to hurt their mutual friend.

"I said I'm fine," he repeated, this time with considerable irritation in his voice. Aiden looked shocked at his change of tone but said nothing. He paused for a moment, obviously thinking about what to do next, but then just shook his head.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." He gave up and walked past Evan heading for the school exit. Evan's eyes followed him until he disappeared among the other students. He felt terrible after this interaction, and the worst was yet to come.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket to text Kieran, only to find that he had overtaken him. He wanted to meet on the benches behind the school, where they usually met during breaks. Obviously, it was supposed to end where it all began. It was another poetic moment that Evan didn't need.

His legs automatically carried him to the meeting place as his mind refused to cooperate. He felt like he was going to break down at any moment, but he knew he had no right to. His hands were shaking even after he stuffed them in his pockets, his stomach was reminding him every second that it would never forgive him for this moment, and if he didn't blink every millisecond, his eyes could compete with Niagara Falls.

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