Chapter 65 - Sleepover

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When Evan opened his eyes in the morning, he was delighted to find that it hadn't all been a dream and he was actually waking up with his mate by his side.

After midnight had struck and they had watched the fireworks for a few minutes, they were getting cold, so they decided to move somewhere inside. However, instead of splitting up or going back to the Rock Pop Diner, they decided to go home with the Saunders'. And since it was still nighttime and Evan and Angie's parents were in good spirits, no one saw a problem with them spending the night at their house.

And so Evan began the new year by lying down in the same bed his soulmate was lying in for the first time. Their promise of friendship was momentarily forgotten as Ryan brought him into his embrace, and Evan fell asleep in his arms. And that was exactly how he woke up the next morning (or rather, noon).

Ryan's nose was buried between Evan's shoulder blades, his hair tickled the nape of his neck, and his fingers were entwined with Evan's as if it wasn't enough that he had his arms wrapped around Evan's torso. They were as close as they'd ever been.

The same could not be said for Angie and Michael, who decided to share Michael's bed. They both had their backs turned to the other and although his bed wasn't extremely wide, they kept a safe distance between them. And not just because there was a bucket on Angie's side by the bed for precaution.

"Good morning." Ryan's mumble alerted him to the fact that the black-haired boy was awake.

Evan took that as a hint that he could turn to face him, and though Ryan protested for a moment, thinking Evan was going to get up and leave him, he finally loosened his grip, and Evan was able to turn towards him, resting his forehead against his. They were really starting to be like Pachycephalosaurus.

"Good morning," Evan whispered back, realizing he hadn't done it right away. Even from this odd angle, he could see how those two words brought a tiny smile to Ryan's face.

"I don't think I want to get out of bed today." Even though it was still early (judging by the time they went to bed), the ink-haired boy was as sweet as ever. Evan still had no doubt that he didn't have a mean bone in his body.

"At some point, you're going to have to pee." Evan wasn't cute, and he wasn't going to pretend he was.

Ryan chuckled. Apparently, he was used to Evan's way of answering by now.

"I'd answer you, but I'm sure anything I would say would come off as a weird kink," he admitted.

"Do you have any kinks I should know about?" He questioned, though he doubted it. Evan assumed Ryan was the vanilla type when it came to sex, even though he knew absolutely nothing about his sex life. He assumed that he was a virgin just like him, from the way he'd talked about his mate before admitting that they both knew it was the other.

"Maybe. But I can't ruin the surprise for you," was Ryan's reply.

"So you're not going to tell me what to look forward to?" Evan twisted the conversation in a direction that was more than a little dangerous in the situation they were in. Even though they were in bed together, they weren't alone in the room, and there was still the fact that they hadn't even triggered their bond, let alone go any further.

"I'm sure you've got a pretty good imagination." Fortunately, Ryan didn't continue what Evan had started. In fact, they both knew that if either of them wandered their hand anywhere it wasn't supposed to for even a second, things could get messy very quickly. And not just because they were wolves. They were still inexperienced teenagers who were thirsty for knowledge.

"I swear, if you start having sex right next to me, I'm going to have to use that bucket." And so they discovered they weren't the only ones awake. From the sound of Angie's voice, it was obvious that last night had taken its toll on her, and she wasn't feeling her best. However, judging by the fact that she didn't automatically run quickly to the toilet or use said bucket, it wasn't as bad as everyone expected. Sometimes the werewolf's regenerative abilities came in handy.

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