Chapter 78 - Slumber Party, Witchcraft and Friends - Part 1

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Evan didn't think it would be that hard to convince his parents to let him spend the night at the Saunders', but apparently there was something they didn't like about him spending less and less time at home.

When Evan argued that they were the ones who wanted him to spend more time with his pack, they argued back that it was a school night.

They finally allowed him to go but only after he promised that he would definitely be on time for school the next day and that he would go to bed at a reasonable hour.

"Michael can drive you in the morning," Ryan suggested and Evan's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

"Michael has a license?" He'd never seen the black-haired boy behind the wheel in his life, or he'd have convinced him to drive him everywhere long ago.

"Of course, I do," the said boy immediately spoke up.

"I've always wanted a personal chauffeur," Angie responded immediately. Of course, when she heard there was a slumber party, she immediately had to join in. Evan tried in vain to tell her that it wasn't a slumber party, but she persisted. Plus, she mocked him, asking if he was afraid to use the term just because it sounded girly.

"You can forget about it," Michael immediately countered.

"Pretty please?" she tried, but his expression didn't change, so she just sighed and gave up.

Evan had long ago noticed that Angie was more tolerant than usual when it came to Michael, but he didn't dare comment on it. Plus, he didn't want to create unnecessary conflict and somehow hoped that Angie was smarter than him and wouldn't make the same mistake. Not that any Saunders could be seen as a mistake.

"I've always wanted to be able to drive," Evan said. "Maybe you could teach me?" The idea of the two of them in the car was comical, mostly because Michael certainly didn't have enough nerve to handle being alone with Evan and had the patience to balance out his stubbornness. The two of them were friends, but they both knew they could only tolerate small doses of being with each other alone.

Michael gave him a look as if he couldn't believe his own ears and hoped he'd heard wrong. His gaze was intense to the max, almost burning a hole in Evan, as if he hoped that if he burned him with his gaze, he wouldn't have to worry about his proposition.

"I don't want to be alone in the car with you," he eventually declared.

Evan would be offended, but he understood where he was coming from. "Never mind."

"You are seriously the weirdest friends in the world," Ryan assessed. He knew best what kind of relationship the two of them had with each other, and more importantly, he knew that they cared about the other, even if they never admitted it out loud to the other.

"I still can't believe we're even friends," Michael declared, standing up from his spot on the couch, heading for the kitchen. Evan automatically joined him, since he was thirsty, and Michael gave him a silent look but didn't protest his company.

Evan had been to the Saunders' house so many times that he knew exactly where to find the mugs, so he didn't hesitate and automatically picked a blue one out of the cupboard, which he more or less claimed as his own at this point.

Before he could get the juice out of the fridge, Michael did, first pouring himself some and then automatically reaching over to Evan's mug and serving him too.

"Thanks," he thanked him automatically, putting the mug to his lips. Michael just hummed in agreement, letting him know he heard him, but he didn't answer out loud.

"Hey, boys."

"Hi, Mama Olivia." Evan automatically beamed and greeted her back with enthusiasm. He knew Michael's mom was due home any minute and he had to admit he was looking forward to seeing her. In the time he'd been going to the Saunders' house, he'd grown quite fond of her, which was rather unexpected in his case, since he didn't realistically get along with any of the adults in his life unless you counted his teachers, whom he was respectful of out of politeness.

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