Chapter 50 - The Talk - Part 1

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Evan's fears turned out to be unfounded. While he thought Ryan would want nothing to do with him anymore or at least avoid him for a while, he obviously had other plans. It was he who suggested to Evan that they meet and not just somewhere, but in a place that was special to him.

And that's exactly how Evan found himself on his way to Nowhere.

At first, he thought about going as a wolf, but the lack of clothing in Ryan's presence obviously wasn't the best idea. Moreover, he was determined not to give him any more mixed signals. Ryan was a good person, and it was time for Evan to stop abusing it.

Ryan arrived at the agreed place before him, Evan recognizing it from afar. All it took was one breeze of wind, and the intoxicating scent of his mate surrounded him, and Evan followed it like a cartoon character. He no longer had a reason to resist it, so he decided to stop pretending that his mate had no effect on him.

It didn't take long for Evan to see him. He was standing on the makeshift roof of the house where they once lay together, probably so Evan would notice him. And he did. He could already see from afar that Ryan was not his usual cheerful self. His posture was stooped, his shoulders drooping, and his black hair falling into his eyes as if he wanted to hide from the world.

Their eyes met from a distance, but Evan quickly broke the contact as he decided to join in the pace and make his way to the stairs that led to his other half as quickly as possible. He had no idea what exactly he was going to tell him, but he still wanted to take advantage of the fact that Ryan even wanted to see him.

Fate had obviously given him a second chance, and he wasn't going to waste it. (Although that was his specialty.)

The last few steps and he appeared on a stone surface, the sun's rays blinding him. He raised his hand to cover his eyes and then lowered his head, looking at the black-haired boy in front of him. He was no longer standing but sitting with his legs folded under him.

"You look like shit," he couldn't help but comment, and even though it sounded insulting, it brought a small smile to Ryan's face. But the other boy didn't respond, that is, not before Evan sat down next to him.

"So do you," he commented, his eyes running over his figure, taking in every detail of Evan's sad appearance. Evan tried to do something about it, he combed his hair and even used his mom's concealer and tried to cover the circles under his eyes, but it didn't help. He still looked like he had just woken up from the worst nightmare and it didn't stop even in his reality.

"I broke up with him." He decided to get straight to the point before he could change his mind about it. He knew this conversation would eventually turn to Kieran anyway, and he decided to be the one to bring up the subject.

To say that Ryan was surprised by his announcement was an understatement. He obviously didn't expect this to start their conversation, but his expression quickly changed from shocked to understanding.

"Why?" His question was simple, but Evan knew there was more to it. He wasn't just asking about the end of their relationship, he was interested in everything. As he said that night, he wanted an explanation.

"It was the right thing to do," Evan said out loud, and for the first time felt like he really believed it. It was probably Ryan's presence, but he wasn't going to tell him. Not when he didn't admit he knew about their true bond.

"I'm sorry." Evan was surprised by his words, but what surprised him even more was Ryan's sympathetic expression. He looked genuinely sorry, even though Evan could have sworn he thought it was wrong before. Everyone knew that the relationship between human and wolf was wrong.

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