Chapter 79 - Slumber Party, Witchcraft and Friends - Part 2

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"You told your friend you are a werewolf?" Michael frowned, his expression betraying that he couldn't believe (or rather, didn't want to) what he was hearing. "Are you really that stupid?"

Evan frowned as well, hearing his reaction, but decided not to make anything of it. He too knew it wasn't acceptable in the wolf world, but he hoped Michael would understand his reasons.

"I did. He already knew about the supernatural world, he just didn't know enough," he explained briefly.

"How is that possible?" Michael was obviously confused, and Evan wasn't surprised. After all, he also didn't understand how Alexander could do such a thing, especially if he was really supposed to be Rory's soulmate.

Evan sighed, wondering how to explain the whole situation without revealing too much of Rory's private life. Angie and Ryan remained silent, so it looked like it was up to him.

"Some witches were doing spells in front of him and didn't care if he saw it. He was confused and it got to the point where he wasn't himself, so I decided to step in. He already knew magic existed, so I just confirmed it for him definitively," he explained as best he could.

Michael paused for a moment as if thinking it over.

"If it helps, I'm an accomplice," Ryan finally spoke up. Michael automatically shifted his gaze to him, and Ryan took advantage of getting his attention to continue. "I knew more about witches than Evan, so I decided to help explain some things to him."

"If it helps, he doesn't know that I'm a werewolf too. Evan decided to tell him his secret, and Ryan did too. He doesn't know how packs work or how to spot a werewolf among humans. From what I understand, he knows to keep it a secret. Plus, knowing Rory, you won't find anyone smarter than him even though he's younger than us," Angie added, not giving Michael a chance to speak until he'd heard all the details. She cared about Rory as much as Evan did and she knew she could trust her friend.

"Just knowing that makes me an accomplice. You know I should report it, right?" Michael grumbled, running his palm over his face as if this conversation was mentally draining him.

Angie snorted at that. "Sure. As if you'd turn in all your friends."

Michael pierced her with his gaze after that statement but didn't say anything to contradict her words.

"We know you want to do the right thing, but in this case, this is the right thing. Actually, I think you'd get along with Rory if you gave him a chance," Ryan tried again. Meanwhile, Evan watched his mate being gentle with his cousin and couldn't help smiling.

Michael sighed, his gaze flicking from one of his friends to the other. His mind was clearly whirring, and Evan wasn't surprised, knowing how devoted Michael was to their pack although that they didn't always treat him the best. If he had to be honest, sometimes he admired him for it, not that he'd say it out loud.

"You knew what you were in for when you made friends with us," Evan remarked, shrugging his shoulders as if to make light of the situation, though inside he was still stressed. He didn't want Michael to be in a constant internal conflict between his pack and his mates.

A sigh escaped Michael again and he bowed his head for a small moment. When he lifted it back up, his face was surprisingly calm. "Fine. But if anyone asks, I didn't know about that."

A pleased grin instantly appeared on Evan's lips and the others mirrored his expression.

"You're awesome," his cousin immediately flattered him, leaning over to place a palm on his shoulder to squeeze it.

"Yeah, I know." He rolled his eyes, but it was obvious he was pleased by his cousin's words.

"Does that mean you wanna introduce yourself to him?" Angie asked, taking advantage of the situation quickly. Michael gave her a look in return that said it was a stupid question and the answer was obvious.

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