Chapter 47 - Sick and Broken

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Luckily for Evan, Angie sensed things weren't going to go smoothly and stayed after school to make sure he was okay. Otherwise, he would not be in his room right now, but still in the school garden.

He could barely stand when she found him, but as a she-wolf, she had no problem supporting him and carrying him home. She even helped him up the stairs and put him in his bed. She then lay with him for a while, holding him in her arms while he was shaking with tears. She originally wanted to stay the night with him, but when his parents came home, he assured her that he would be fine, and she left.

Evan tried to hold back his sobs so his parents wouldn't hear him, but the longer he lay in bed, the harder it became. Eventually, he burst into tears, his sobs mixing with the howling of his wolf. It sounded like the wailing of a trapped animal that couldn't get out of its trap and was slowly losing its strength.

It was no wonder that his parents ran into his room with fear in their eyes, and the moment they saw him, they sat down on the bed, each on one side of him.

Of course, they asked him what happened, but he didn't answer. He didn't actually tell them anything. The only thing that came out of him were sobs. And that's how he ended up in his dad's arms while his mom was stroking his hair.

It didn't take long, and the crying tired him so much that he fell asleep.

He didn't wake up until morning, and judging by the amount of light in his room, it was too late to catch the bus to school. Evan had no idea when his parents had left his room and no idea where they were now. However, he didn't have the energy to go find out.

Apparently, his parents had anticipated this, as he found a note on his bedside table.

"We excused you at school. Get some sleep. We love you. Mom & Dad," the note read. Right next to it was his phone, which he didn't even know where he had left it until now. Evan's fingers hovered over it, and he hesitated. He had no doubt that at least Josh knew what had happened and was afraid of the reaction of his friends. He already felt terrible, and hearing from his friends what a bad person he was, was the last thing he needed.

In the end, the decision wasn't up to him as his phone vibrated with an incoming call. He carefully took it in his hand and first checked the time in the corner of the screen. It was a little after nine o'clock, which meant that the school was just in session. Therefore, it was more than surprising that Aiden was calling him.

He hesitated, but with a deep breath, he pressed the green button and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello," he spoke up and almost didn't recognize his own voice. It sounded as if he screamed out his vocal cords at some festival, his voice barely there.

"What the hell, E?" Aiden didn't even try to greet him back and blurt out a question straight at him. It was clear to Evan what he was asking, but he decided to enjoy another second of doubt.

"Can you elaborate?" These words sounded even worse, as they were something between a screech and a whisper.

"You broke up with Kieran?" It didn't sound like a question but more like a reminder. As if Evan could just forget about it.

"I did," he confirmed. Tears welled up in his eyes again, which was surprising since he thought he didn't have any left after yesterday.

"Why would you do that?" Although Aiden was clearly trying to suppress his anger, Evan knew him well enough to recognize it in his voice. He was giving him a chance to defend his decision, but he had no explanation for him. At least not one that would work.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." He gave him the same words he had given Kieran.

"I don't understand. You were fine on Saturday, what changed?" he spat out another question at Evan that he didn't have an answer to. He couldn't tell him that someone else was involved because he would think that he had cheated on Kieran. He would have preferred to end the whole call, but he knew that it was his fault, and now he had to suffer the consequences.

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