Chapter 103 - Riley

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Although the teachers had given them free rein to have fun the night before, they hadn't forgotten the purpose of their trip. That's why they called them together for breakfast first thing in the morning to give them instructions for the rest of the day.

"Today, we are going to visit NYU together. Fortunately, they're prepared for a large group, but you'll still have to split into three groups." As soon as the students heard the word "split" come out of Mrs Simons' mouth, there was an immediate whispering amongst them. Luckily, the teacher had anticipated this and immediately added: "I trust you can do it on your own, and we won't need to".

There was an instant murmur of agreement from the crowd of students.

"Great." Mrs Simons clasped her hands together. "We'll leave at nine sharp. Anyone who's late will stay in the hotel, is that clear?"

Mrs Simons seemed satisfied with the students' response and gave no further instructions, but Evan had no doubt that she intended to give them another lesson in politeness later on. Apparently, her main concern on this trip was that they would embarrass Marwell High School more than anything else.

And he was right. As soon as the students regrouped in front of the bus, Mrs Simons began telling them to behave and not to try anything funny on the university grounds, especially if they were considering whether to apply.

That was Evan's case, too, so he took her words to heart all the more. The same heart that was now pounding like crazy because he couldn't wait. He'd been dreaming of this university for years, and even though it was just a tour and he hadn't been promised anything, it still meant a lot to him.

"You're going to give yourself a heart attack." Angie, who, thanks to the wolf's hearing, must have felt what was going on inside him, leaned towards him.

"I'd die happy," he replied cheekily. It was only a joke, of course, because thinking about death meant thinking about his mate dying, too, and Evan would never allow that to happen, and it was only thanks to this thought that he was able to calm his troubled heart.

"So." Mrs Simons clapped her hands to get the students' attention. She stood in the middle of the bus corridor, holding a megaphone in case of need. Thankfully, she didn't have to use it, for which both Angie and Evan's hearing thanked her.

"Our tour will consist of several parts. First we have to check in at the admissions office. Then there will be an informational part during which we will all be together. Someone will tell us about the history of the school, how to apply, and what courses are available," she began, and judging by the reaction of the students, no one was looking forward to this part.

"That will take forever," Cory cried from the back of the bus.

"Calm down." Mr Hodge appeared at Mrs Simons' side. "This is not a fun trip. You are here to inform yourself about your future."

"Exactly," Mrs Simons agreed immediately. And even though there were more groans from the already bored students, she ignored them and continued with the instructions. "After the information part comes the campus tour. At this point, you will be divided into three groups. Each group will be escorted around the campus by current students. They've been specially selected to be able to answer all your questions, so don't hesitate to ask about anything you're interested in."

A mischievous smile appeared on the faces of the students, which Mr Hodge immediately understood and decided to intervene. "Questions about studying, not about parties and alcohol," he emphasised.

In the middle of the bus, a hand was raised in the air.

"Yes, Courtney?"

"Then what?" she asked.

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