Chapter 105 - His Favourite Cousin - Part 2

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Evan had never taken the subway before, and although he was excited about it like a proper tourist, his joy stemmed from something else. He was actually on his way to Riley's flat. The place where he'd lived for the last few years. If this was a dream, he hoped no one would wake him.

"I started thinking about NYU too, though not for the reason my mum would have wanted. Because of my friends, of course," Lola continued. She was at her best when it came to small talk and Riley seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say.

"I think friends are a pretty good reason," Riley agreed. "But you also have to be sure about what you want to study."

"I was thinking about applying to NYU because of my friends, UF because of my boyfriend Aaron, and ASU because of me. I want a university that is less difficult to get into and Arizona sounded nice," the blue-haired girl explained.

"Good choice."

"You can fill out my applications too, since I have no idea where I want to go," Aiden joined the conversation.

"Mine too, since I don't think my parents would survive if they saw them," Evan chimed in. On the one hand he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to mention family in front of Riley, on the other hand he was serious about his promise to tell Riley everything he had missed.

"Where do you want to apply?" Riley asked immediately and it was obvious that he really wanted to know more.

"I'm not sure," Evan replied honestly. "NYU has always been a dream and I haven't thought about a backup plan yet. I'll probably do it like Lola."

Riley hummed in agreement, but it looked like he had something else in mind. "So I take it you haven't talked to your parents about university."

Evan chuckled briefly. "It's one of those conversations I'd rather avoid."

Fortunately, Riley didn't need any further explanation as he knew exactly what his cousin was talking about. It was one of those things that hadn't changed.

However, before the subject could spoil the atmosphere between them, Riley declared that they were on the spot and made his way to the door of the apartment building. Evan tried not to look around too curiously, so Riley would not misinterpret his glances. Even though he still had no idea what Riley's place looked like, he was already envious of the fact that Riley had managed to make it on his own without the support of his pack and family.

"Welcome to my home," Riley declared as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. The others immediately followed and as their eyes swept over the interior, Evan dared to do the same. Directly in front of him was the kitchen, which was connected to the living room, and as he could see three doors, he figured that one of them would hide Riley's bedroom and the rest would be the toilet and bathroom.

"Do you want something to drink?" Riley asked as he made his way to the kitchen. They all followed him again automatically, and just like that they were standing in front of his fridge, where Evan had noticed a familiar photo even from a distance. And he wasn't the only one. "Oh my God, is that little Evan?" Lola said in a sweet tone and leaned in to take a closer look.

The picture was of Evan and Riley. They were sitting on the floor of Riley's parents' living room, and on the table in front of them was a 3D Notre Dame puzzle they had been building for days, and judging by their smiles, they were more than proud of themselves.

"You were so cute and innocent," Lola commented, looking over her shoulder and smiling.

Evan frowned and asked, "When have I ever not been cute and innocent?"

He quickly found out that wasn't the best thing to say.

"Only four times in a row," Lola and Angie said in unison, and Aiden shot him a knowing look.

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