Chapter 37 - Apology

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After getting on the bus, he took out his phone and opened a conversation with Angie. Although he didn't feel like communicating with her, he had to let her know that he was on his way to North Hallson so they could pretend they were going home together later.

Their chat was brief. He told her that he was on the bus, and she texted back that they would meet at the end of the street in an hour and a half. Nothing more. Neither of them wanted to start another conversation, as both were too stubborn to apologize to the other. Plus, they both thought they were right.

Evan was already dreading the moment when he would see him and notice his eyes. Even though he washed his face and dried his eyes, it was still visible that he had been crying. The whites of his eyes were slightly red, the skin under his eyes was noticeably darker than before, and his eyes were puffy in general. He was sure Angie would comment on that. So he decided to reach for the last solution, which could at least make it a little better. He set the alarm clock on his cell phone ten minutes before he was supposed to go out, put his headphones in his ears and, leaning against the window, went off into the realm of dreams.

He was so exhausted from the day that he had no problem falling asleep the moment he closed his eyes. When it opened again, he saw a sign signalling that the bus would soon be entering their town, giving Evan just enough time to recover and stretch his stiff muscles from the small space.

Before he knew it, the bus was pulling up at a familiar stop and he was getting out the door.

"Hey," came a voice behind him like a few times before in the past few days and he froze in place. He was convinced that none of the Saunders would talk to him after the fiasco, but he was wrong. And what was worse, the voice belonged to the one he least wanted to look in the eyes of.

He slowly turned around, putting on a fake smile and bracing himself for the sight before him. But what he didn't expect was to find Ryan behind his back, looking guilty and avoiding his gaze.

"Hey," Evan greeted him back and only then did Ryan finally look up. Their eyes met, and Evan shifted nervously from foot to foot. They both looked like they weren't expecting the other, but Evan was sure it wasn't a coincidence that Ryan was standing at the stop where the Marwell bus in particular stopped.

After a moment of silence, Evan cleared his throat and said the first thing that came to mind, "Did you need anything?" The ink-haired boy looked surprised by his question and straightened up at the sound of his voice as if he was a soldier who had just received an order from a general.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Ryan's voice sounded more confident than when he greeted him, but it still wasn't the light tone that Evan had grown accustomed to.

"I'm fine," he automatically chose the answer he always used for this question. Apparently, Ryan realized that too, as he didn't seem to believe him. He watched his face searchingly, burning him with his gaze, and only then did Evan realize that his eyes must still show that he had been crying before.

"Did you cry?" Ryan obviously had to make sure verbally as well. Evan rolled his eyes, not caring how it must have appeared to the boy in front of him. His question was pointless, and Evan had no problem pointing it out to him. For today, he had enough emotions or rather taking care of emotions, even those that were not his.

"What do you think?" He had never used such a tone in conversation with him before. Always, his wolf soul clawed its way to the surface, and his mind was clouded by the desire to be by his side and hear his voice. Today, however, even his wolf was emotionally exhausted, and so after a long time, his human won over him.

"Sorry, stupid question." And right after that, there was an awkward silence between them again. Brown eyes silently watched the behaviour of the black-haired boy in front of him. He held one hand in the other, fingernails running along the back of his hand in a nervous gesture, his whole stance screaming stressed. Evan looked at him long enough to notice that he was rocking gently, as if the gentle breeze was trying to lull him to rest, but it wasn't succeeding.

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