Chapter 76 - A Trip to the Library - Part 1

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Whatever Evan imagined the supernatural library to be, this wasn't it. Maybe he had too high of expectations, but even the library at their school was bigger than this. Moreover, Evan had no doubt that if he looked closer, he'd find more dust than they had in their attic at home. It was obvious that no one went here regularly, and maybe that was why no one cared at all when Ryan and Evan decided to come here. Luckily, Evan had learned not to judge a book by its cover, so he wasn't about to be put off by the unglamorous appearance of this library. After all, these books were supposed to hold the secrets of the supernatural world.

"Where do you want to start?" Ryan asked, looking around. He also didn't seem particularly dazzled by the place, and that made Evan wonder what the library looked like in their area.

"I have no idea," Evan admitted. "I don't have high hopes that it'll be sorted somehow, so we'll probably spend the whole day here." He sighed. Although he loved books and was no stranger to disorder, the idea that he was going to spend half the day looking for something he really needed didn't sit well with him.

"It's still a date." Ryan laughed and leaned over to press a kiss to Evan's cheek to confirm his words. This, of course, caused Evan's mood to instantly improve.

"Let's do this," he declared enthusiastically, making his way to a random shelf. Laughing, Ryan immediately joined him, and for now, they opted for the method of sticking close together.

"So... Books about human partners, soul mates, and witches. If it was alphabetized, our best chance would be W," Ryan assessed. However, they quickly discovered that his plan wasn't going to work, as chaos prevailed in this library, and no one seemed to want to bother with the alphabet.

"What about this one?" Evan turned to look at what he was showing him.

"Humans as part of the supernatural world," he read aloud the title of the blue book Ryan held in his hands. It was a good start, so he nodded immediately, and Ryan went to set it down on the table they had decided to work at. So far, they only had a notebook and pen on it, as they naively thought they would need them.

After Ryan's success, Evan decided not to be embarrassed. His eyes had scanned the wooden shelves with intensity before, and although he was already quite irritated by them, especially when some of them were turned the other way, making it impossible to know what book it was without it being selected, he didn't give up on his search. Not only did he want to help his best friend, but his own curiosity drove him.

"We should split up." Ryan reappeared behind his back, and Evan just nodded without turning around. The thought of it being supposed to be a date made him even more frustrated, and he didn't want to ruin Ryan's good mood with his impatience.

"Love." Ryan addressed him, and Evan's cheeks instantly turned crimson. Not that Ryan had never called him by a nickname, but not like that. His affection flooded him even more when the black-haired boy crouched down to be the same height as him and kissed him on the cheek.

Evan didn't resist and turned to face him. Ryan's smile had always been contagious to him, so he immediately found a smile forming on his lips as well.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you want to help Rory, but we might not make it today." Evan had discovered one important thing in the time he'd known Ryan - mates apparently always knew what to say.

"Thanks." He pressed a small kiss to his lips, showing him how much his words had helped. "Anyway, you're right. We should split up."

And so they did.

Evan's hands roamed the shelves, pulling out each badly turned book just to be sure he hadn't overlooked anything important. So far they only had one usable book and two others they weren't sure they'd ever use, but they took them for backup. One was called "Foundations of the Supernatural World" and the other was "Traditions and Customs of Mythical Beings." Evan wasn't sure if the second book was even going to be real and not just a figment of someone's imagination, since he'd never heard anyone call supernatural creatures that. Well, no one who belonged to them, that is.

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