Christmas Bonus - Part 1

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They were curled up on the couch, something that had become their routine over the past few weeks, watching old movies on the television. They were cuddled up in a blanket that was so tightly wrapped around them that Lola hardly knew where her body ended and Aaron's began, and although they were a little too warm at times, neither of them had any intention of moving away from the other.

It was really nice, and Lola sometimes doubted that her old self would believe her if she told her that she lately enjoyed her time on this couch as much as she used to enjoy the spotlight at every party. Although the blue-haired girl was a social butterfly, spending time alone with Aaron was something special to her. She always felt so relaxed and safe in his presence that she couldn't imagine anything better. It would almost be a frightening thought if she wasn't so sure about their relationship.

They were both young and Lola had seen firsthand how quickly a relationship like this could end, but at the same time, she saw the way Evan looked at his boyfriend and she was sure that her gaze, as she looked at the boy next to her, contained the same warmth.

"Would you like a snack?" Aaron asked her, looking up from the screen to meet her eyes. Lola thought about his words for a moment and then began to clumsily untangle herself from the blanket.

Aaron started to do the same, but she stopped him immediately. "Stay. I'll go. Don't worry, I won't burn down your kitchen." Finally finding a way to get off the couch without her red blanket becoming lethal, she planted a small kiss on his lips. She knew that her boyfriend was much more into this movie than she was, and she didn't want to interrupt his enjoyment.

She had been to his house so many times that she knew exactly where everything was in the kitchen. It only took her a few seconds to find the popcorn, and while she was putting it in the microwave, she decided to look for Aaron's secret box of sweets in the bottom cupboard.

Her shuffling in the cupboard was barely audible, however, as the sounds of the storm came from outside and the raindrops hitting the kitchen door leading outside sounded as loud as someone knocking next to her head.

There hadn't been a storm like this in Alnwick for a long time and Lola was glad to be safely inside.

Her sense of security was short-lived, however, as the door, which she couldn't see through the cupboard door, slammed open and hit the wall next to it.

Lola jumped to her feet and stood up instantly, coming face to face with the intruder. He looked at her as frightened as she looked at him, if not more so, and Lola immediately understood why as a wolf snuck inside close to his feet, but it didn't stay a wolf for long.

Lola watched in silence as the wolf in front of her quickly transformed into a female figure and if she had blinked even once she would have missed the process completely. It all happened so quickly and neither of them made a sound until a thunderclap from outside broke the silence, indicating that the door was still open.

"Fuck," was the first thing the woman in front of her said, not breaking eye contact with her.

She was naked, but that was obviously the last thing on anyone's mind in the kitchen. Eventually, Ethan, Aaron's older brother, decided to resolve the situation and pulled a wet sweatshirt over his head and handed it to the woman in front of him. She silently accepted the garment and quickly put it on, even though it was wet, still keeping an eye on Lola. She was like a predator stalking her prey, and in a way it was true. Lola was a danger to her right now, even if she wasn't the one with the claws and fangs.

"What happened?"

The blue-haired girl, who had been frozen in place until then, finally regained her senses and turned her head towards Aaron, who appeared in the kitchen doorway. He looked confused, but one look was enough for him to understand the situation, and he, like the others, remained silent.

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